Here is a pic of the boys on their first day...Joseph has a crazy look on his face and he just lost his two front teeth, but hey, I'm lucky to have this one because neither one of them wanted to take a picture!
Also, Andrew and my niece, Seirra, had their first school dance @ Crockett Friday night. I didn't stay to chaperon, but trust me, I had my spies :-). I was told, by Andrew himself, and by others, that he pretty much boogied down the whole time...wasn't shy at all. My niece, however, was quite the opposite...she said she was too embarrassed to dance so she just talked to friends. Andrew had his first slow dance...I'll post pics later once I get them from another mom. They all had a blast, it is all they have talked about since then! I think it made them feel independent and kinda grown up...good for them, scary for me.
Didn't they look so so cute! Of course, Andrew did NOT want to smile for the pictures, he too "tough" for that now, ya know :-)
Other events of the week included my nieces getting some press on nails and they insisted Isabel get some, too. At first I thought she was too little, but then I decided it was the weekend and they would probably fall off in a few hours, so I decided to let them put them on her. Izzy LOVED the was hilarious to see her in them. Although, I just about beat (not really) my niece because instead of using the stick-on's that came with Izzy's nails, she used her nail glue and glued the fake nails to her real nails...UGGGHHH. I was so ANNOYED, to say the least. But, the nails didn't even last a day, so I forgave her and all was well again...
The day before she decided to dress up in her brother's house shoes, shooting vest, and boxing gloves...she looks pretty ridiculous, but it made me laugh, so...
And I had to throw this one in just because she's so cute...
This one is actually from a couple weeks ago when we went to Kristi's house. Isabel loves to play with her youngest, Tate. He had a little motorcycle and even though there was only room for one, they made it into a two-seater...haha. They took turns driving around the house.
That pretty much sums it up picture wise. I am already missing subbing this year...I miss those little faces, and being at home I can't really say my house is much cleaner, but hey, let's give it a little more time. And on the positive side, I did cook dinner every night...yes, that is a big deal for me, & David is totally impressed. So, I am looking forward to next week in hopes that I will be able to get even more done now that we are on somewhat of a schedule.
Thank you God for getting us through this busy, hectic week..this whole crazy summer, or year for that matter...for never removing your mighty, graceful hand from our lives, even though we fail you daily...
be Blessed,
DUE 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God,
keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love
him and keep his commands.