I must say the Lord is gracious, he heard my plea (and probably knew I couldn't handle three WILD boys :-)and blessed us with a baby girl. When I found out she was a she...well, I can't really put into words how I felt...let's just say it was good.
For the first couple months after we found out, we thought we had decided to name her Olivia, but then we decided on Isabel Grace, and it fits her perfectly.
Our baby girl is turning four today. Four years ago I was in the hospital, waiting to meet this perfect, sweet little blessing. It truly does not seem possible that that much time has passed. It makes me want to hold her a little tighter, knowing the next four years will probably go by even quicker.
She is truly one of a kind. She is definitely girly, asking for barbies, ponies, and sparkly dress up things for her birthday. But, she can roll with the best of them, she's tough and she loves getting into things...all this compliments of her two big brothers, I'm sure. Weather she's climbing in the fort out back, or playing
tea party with her dolls...I adore her, and I am thankful for her. I am so thankful that even though I thought I knew how my life should be, God had other plans...He knew better (He always does).
So...Feliz Cumpleanos mi princessa...Te Amo Mucho
here are a FEW :-) past images...
Mamaw & Izzy:
The bow addiction begins:
Her Don King look:
Looks like mid-sneeze LOL:
Izzy w/ cousins Maci & Keyli:
Izzy w/ G-ma:

In my favorite Paris print skirt:

Love this one...exactly how I think she should still be:

First Christmas:

Me & Izzy, San Antonio zoo:
Getting her hair done ;-) :
Just being cute:

She was/is ALWAYS laughing..she is SUCH a joy: