Monday, July 6, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, it's Monday...again!

I did not spend my anniversary,on July 3rd, preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning up after others. I didn't forgo special time spent with my hubby to have some one's bday bash at my house, instead. And even if I did, I wasn't secretly wishing I was on some romantic getaway with my hubs...not one tiny bit. I am a really gracious host and would never, ever...

I didn't spend half of my life savings on fireworks so we could enjoy time together as a family and feel patriotic. After I didn't spend a small fortune on them, I certainly didn't spend the evening being anal about how, where, and when the fireworks were set off, because, ya know, fireworks are totally safe and I am not concerned about my 12 and 8 year old with matches. I didn't force all the children to stand a mile away and watch them. I also didn't smother them with OFF so they wouldn't be mosquito magnets and contract the West Nile Virus...or whatever it is they're carrying these days.

After making our vacation plans, I didn't sulk about having to go to the beach since Mexico, then Disney were my choices before that. I mean, with the way the economy is, most people would be glad they are even getting a I would never complain about that, it would be so immature and such a horrible example for my kiddos. I'm the best mother/role model in the world, and I would never...

I didn't let my daughter go three days without washing her hair this past week. That would be disgusting, and CPS should be called if you ever hear of any mother doing so...a child can't be very well cared for if they are not even made to scrub their scalp. Hello!?

I did not get baby fever and start to long for another child, and then realize I had lost my mind and was so thankful that I only had three kiddos all in one hour...that sounds like some hormonal, freak of a woman...of which I am not!

I do not secretly wish someone would come pick up my three kids plus my two nieces I almost always have and go entertain them while I head to the Spa. I was so ready, thrilled, psyched for Summer vacation/school to be out and now that these precious blessings are home with me all day, every day, every minute, I do not wish I could just get a moment's rest...some quiet time...Nope, not me, I would never wish time away from my babies!

Last but not least, I did not waste my time away on FB and my blog, while considering putting all these children to work with chores...I would never think about having them slave away while I sat on my rump wasting time...Not I, not this Mamma...NOT EVER! After all, I'm mom of the year, Remember?!

So, I hope you all have a fabulously blessed week, month, Summer...I hope you get quality time with your kiddos...and to yourself ;-)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This morning, in church, Pastor Jason talked with us about the importance of prayer. He told us how powerful, meaningful, and awesome prayer is.
He also spoke of Romans 5:1-2...Prayer, is a privilege.
I am thankful & blessed I can speak to God, but I can't honestly say I've ever thought of it as a privilege...
We should not only pray, but be grateful we are even blessed enough to be able to pray.

I pray daily, at different times, for different reasons.
I pray for others often, just like most people, but today I was reminded that we should be praying even MORE for others. We should spend (or at least I should) more time interceding on the behalf of others...those who are lost, hurting, and suffering...those in desperate need of healing.
Our nation, our town, our leaders...also all in need of constant prayer.
Pastor Jason reminded me that I can help the children of Uganda, the people in Costa Rica, etc...without ever leaving my living room...I can do it with prayer.
So, I am going to try my very best, to start a prayer journal.
It's a way I can hold myself accountable to being more committed to prayer, especially for others.
I want prayer to be even more, mean even more, than it has in the past.
I want to look at my journal and see what I have prayed for and be renewed in my Faith by seeing God has answered my/our prayers.

I am also super excited that Pastor Jason's sermons will soon be available on the Internet...I think this is awesome because my ADHD mind doesn't always soak everything up, and I'm not a good note it will be great being able to come back and listen again to what we learned, in my own time...I think it will stick with me better that way, too.

Hope you all had a very blessed 4Th of July...God bless America, you, and your families :-)