He really won't have much to do with the pureed baby food anymore...he wants the real stuff. Last time I blogged about his "milestones" I think he was pulling up. A little over a week ago Blake was sitting in the living room floor and just stood up, without holding on to anything. He's been doing it quite a bit, and I just know his first step is coming soon. We shall see. He babbles quite a bit, but I haven't noticed and clearly spoken new words..."Dada" still seems to be his favorite. He seems to be the first, out of our four, that prefer David. His face lights up every time he sees his Daddy. He is generally really happy, but doesn't seem to smile quite as easily our others did. He really is amazing.
The other kids are doing very well also. We are just still enjoying Summer break, with NO rush for it to end. My only complaint is that with the older kids being home all the time, it is even more evident how MUCH they fight. They argue from sun-up to sun-down. It drives me insane. Any ideas on what to do? I have no clue. I will admit I have been lax on praying about that area of our lives lately.
Anyway, things are going pretty good in our neck of the woods. We are all healthy and blessed. What can I say? Life is good. Now, if the weather would just cool off...