Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eventful day...

Today I took Izzy for her checkup, and she had to get a shot. As we were walking out of the Doctor's office she said, "Why did they have to pinch me"? I explained to her that it was a shot, with medicine, that helped her grow up healthy, and she was a big girl now. She seemed satisfied with that answer and never even cried over the shot, so I was happy. When I opened the car door and lifted her up to put her in the car seat, her eyes got really big and she said, "Moooooooommmmm, why are you putting me in the car seat? You said I was a big girl, so now I get to sit in the big seat with a seatbelt"! Ahhhh..the predicaments we parents get ourselves into.
Lately, Izzy has really been into playing dress up in her clothes. She will stay in her room forever and if I open the door to check on her, the little diva will shout, "shut the door and leave me alone"!
She has picked out a couple of especially stunning ensembles I would like to share with you:

Here she is sporting the silk cherry night gown,
rhinestone studded Wildcat sweatpants
& pink cowgirl boots


In this superb getup, she has the l/s purple princess pajama top,
gymboree leopard tights (too small, I might add),
& pink glittery Crocs


My niece, Keyli, also seems to have the fashion bug...


Now that you've had a good laugh, there are a couple things on my mind I could use a little help with if you feel so inclined:

1# My kids and eating...Isabel and Andrew eat plenty...more than plenty...but Joseph is so so picky. He is so little, too! I was wondering if any of you (ANY OF YOU!!!) had any ideas or recipes that you think would be helpful...any thoughts appreciated!

#2 Please say a little prayer for Andrew. He finished his testing today to see if he will be in accelerated classes next year. I really would like for him to, but, I know those classes take focus and dedication, which Andrew is totally lacking. So, just pray that God's will be done, and that we are accepting of whatever that is in this area.

3# (And ever so important) I'm looking for a sunhat for Izzy, to use when we go to the pool. I looked online and found nothing. I looked at Wal-Mart and found Dora, Princesses, etc...I am wanting a plain one. None of you may have a clue, which is fine, but since I'm having trouble with that, thought I'd throw it out there.

Well, guess that is it for today...I am getting pretty regular with the blog thing. I am starting to like it better than myspace...hmmmm.
Hope everyone has had a great day and sleeps well tonight
hugs, Katy


Amy said...

Woo-Hoo. I wonder where Izzy got her fashion sense...from you or David?? HMMM....you just wait until she INSISTS on wearing one of her crazy creations in public, or worse...to school! Jack is really into these windpants right now and wears them with totally inappropriate shirts and shoes...I fight at first and then think, oh well...whatever!

Amber said...

She is the absolute cutest!!! I cannot wait to see her again. Those pictues make you just want to squeeze her and pinch her cute little cheeks!
And, I am very impressed with her "big girl" logic. Ya gotta hand it to her, that was clever.