Mother's Day is tomorrow.
If you look in the dictionary, there are many definitions for "mother".
Thinking about this day, I think about all the moms I know...My own mother, my grandmothers, my aunts, my friends, etc... each with their own unique style, ideas, schedules, rules, emotions, struggles, and ways of showing love to their children.
Just the word "Motherhood" holds so much weight.
There's feeding and bathing, diapering, doctor appointments, PTO, sporting events, ceremonies, homework help, maid service, infinite piles of laundry, constant searching (for that lost shoe or library book), counseling sessions, and just trying, in general, to keep it all together.
There's all of that, and so much more.... From the moment a child enters our life, we are bound to them forever. We must love them, and comfort them, cheer for them and encourage them, stand behind them, teach them right from wrong, scoop them up and protect them when the world has injured them. We worry constantly and wonder if we will ever be able to let them go when the time comes...I mean, how could anyone else in this world care for them like us? Once we have that child, we are changed for the duration. It's kind of frightening knowing that their whole existence depends on you, the mother. I also know that I, personally, wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing is sweeter, nothing tugs at my heart more than hearing one of my children call me "Mom"'s intoxicating.
And, it has to be said, no Coach bag or Tiffany necklace could ever equal the splendor of a handmade gift from your child, weather it be a card, poem, hand print, finger painting, or clay figure...even if you have no idea what exactly it's supposed to be (probably an ash tray even though you don't smoke).
I know some women choose not to become mothers, and somehow I just don't understand it...I guess because I feel like my whole being is wrapped up in my children, and if not for them, where would I be? Who would I be? How could life be as sweet? I just don't believe that it could...I just don't.
I think about how much I love my own mom, and how much she means to me, to my family. I find it next to impossible to put it into words how I feel about her...for nothing I write (or type) down could even remotely capture the power behind the emotion I feel. It's overwhelming. I think about my "Crabby" that we lost last September, she was my grandmother, but was a mother too. I think about how my heart breaks when I look at her picture and realize each and every time, all over again, that I can't talk to her, hug her, take her biscuits and gravy, look into her eyes, or tell her I love her. Wow...she is missed. incredibly. I think about how if it's that hard for me, how hard it is for my mom, to be without her mom, especially this mother's day. I know there is nothing I can say to lessen the pain for her. The only thing I can really do is let her know that when the tears pour down like rain, it's ok. I will never understand this life, or how it works, and that's ok, too...because it's easier to just trust in take care of my Crabby in Heaven, and my mom on earth, and me, too. I am thankful.
I hope that this Mother's Day, you are all blessed. I pray that your children are safe in every way, and that you have peace in your heart as a mother. If you happen to be a mother whose child is lost, in any way, I pray that GOD has his loving, capable arms around them until they find their way home. And, last but not least, if you have a child that is no longer with you on this earth, I pray GOD comforts you and strengthens you until you meet again in Heaven. Happy Mother's Day.
Psalm 139:13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her
“The remembrance of a beloved mother becomes a shadow to all our actions; it precedes or follows them”
1 comment:
You ARE a wonderful writer! I loved every word. You are so right. I can't imagine the void I would feel if I didn't have my children. I cannot imagine life without my mom. I don't want to. I know it is hard for her to be without her mom, my grammy. Thank you for the words you wrote. It reminded me of the importance of tomorrow. Happy Mothers Day!!
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