I could sit here and tell you that when I told my boys to write out their Christmas wish lists, they did so with big hearts and pure elegance.
But, then again, I was always taught, that honesty is the best policy.
I would love to say they wished for world peace, food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, parents for the parentless, children for the childless, and that every being on this earth would come to know Jesus Christ.
But, sadly enough, those were not the things their lists consisted of.
(however my lists does consist of those things).
Picture boys who are rough and tough. Boys who are wild and rebellious. Boys who think sitting in bath water for 10 minutes pouring out my Bed Head shampoo (ok, not my older son, but still) is "taking a bath", even though he never touched a wash rag or a bar of soap.
Boys who are 7 and 12 and being raised in this crazy, materialistic world.
Now imagine what they wished for.
You guessed it...things that were high tech, things that were high powered, things that we needed to write Bill Gates and inquire about a loan in order to be able to afford them. Big things. Huge things.
It was a sad, sad day when I read those lists. I have to admit, I was kinda heartbroken that they were so "boy", but then all I could do was get over it and love them anyway. I, after all, am partly responsible for the fact that they have become so materialistic.
Ouch, that hurts.
Anyway, I'm accepting it for now...but in a week or two, it will be a brand new year. And I've got all kinds of plans to get these boys into shape! I'm gonna teach them about world peace, world hunger, the works! I'm even gonna get Izzy in on it. You mark my words. Heck, I may even drag them down to Honduras, where my cousin Sara is a missionary, and have these boys haul rice and beans, along with the gospel, to the Bordos. Anyone want to donate some frequent flyer miles?
Next year, same time, same place...their lists are gonna be Sumthin' to blog about, for sure!
Well, a girl can hope...right?
In the meantime, I've gotta go wrap some presents...bake some cookies...and figure out how to save the world and get us all to Honduras.
I hope you all have the most fabulous, blessed Christmas with your loved ones!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Enemy advances...
I know that in the Bible it talks of Christians being persecuted for their faith.
one Case in point:
1 Peter 4:14-16 (The Message)
If you're abused because of Christ, count yourself fortunate. It's the Spirit of God and his glory in you that brought you to the notice of others. If they're on you because you broke the law or disturbed the peace, that's a different matter. But if it's because you're a Christian, don't give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name!
So, as a Christian, I realize there are times when I will come up against adversity. Not only will I, but I already have. I accept it as part of my faith, it is more than worth the reward I have waiting for me. Right?
I want to tell you, precious friends, this aspect of our Christianity is something that we must accept as a reality, and be prepared to deal with.
Lately, this has taken on a whole new meaning for me.
My life, of trying to be faithful to the Lord, has been attacked by someone who I know loves me whole heartedly...someone who I think wants the best for me (or thought, or...I'm just really confused now). I have been attacked by someone who is not only close to me, and loves me, but someone who is...(gasp) a Christian themselves. They haven't attacked the fact that I believe in GOD, or the fact that I am saved. But, as my walk with God has become stronger,my life has gone through many positive changes...and some people just aren't up for change. Some people are content with accepting Jesus as their Savior, and then just being stagnant in their walk. I was once that way, but no longer. I really don't want to get into the details of exactly who or exactly what aspect, but let me just say, this is something I NEVER expected. It hurts deeply. If some stranger give you a dirty look because of the "Christian" tee your wearing, or someone in passing questions your beliefs, while it's not easy to face...it is something you can deal with, and then move on.
Let me tell you that when this kind of attack hits closer to home, from someone you deal with on an almost daily basis, and will probably continue to have to, it's HARD.
This is the first time something like this has EVER happened to me. It hurts. I really hate it. I know that my faith is stronger than ever, and that is why the Enemy is putting this challenge in my life, trying to break the bond between me and my Holy Father.
People! Please understand I am not sharing this so you can feel bad for me. I want you to know that God's word tells us these things are going to happen, and while we know they can, it's still hard to imagine in our own lives.
Imagine for just a moment...Think of one of the most important people in your life right now, and then imagine all of a sudden your faith being questioned by them and becoming at odds with them because of your beliefs. It's scary. I know that possibly, this relationship may never be what it was before.
But, I know that as scary as that is, the Lord is still waiting for me, and will never desert me, no matter who else decides to. I am thankful he truly is my Strong Tower, and that I can take shelter in His loving, protecting arms.
This battle is not over, and I have a feeling it is going to be a long one. I get weary just thinking about it, but I am also able to take heart, because my GOD hears my plea and I know he is looking on me with favor.
I want to ask you all for prayer, not just for me, but for ALL Christians. Pray that when a Believer is encroached, they (we) are able to stand strong in GOD, to take refuge in Him alone. Pray that no matter how long the blows continue, despite their strength and longevity, Christians will remain unchanged, unbroken, and untouched. Pray that the enemy forever fails, and when it's all said and done, the only sound is the Lord's sweet, sweet grace.
I pray that you NEVER have to face a situation like this.I pray you are never at odds with a loved one because of your life and where the Lord has led you. And, in saying that, I know that some of you have already been through these kind of situations, and even much worse. I pray for you. I pray that in this time of struggle, we really can count ourselves fortunate. After all, any adversity we come up against, could never match that which HE went through for us. So, just prepare yourselves, because you never know...
And on to a lighter subject...It's Monday, a few more days and the kids will be out for Christmas break...let the madness begin (or if your household is anything like ours, it already has). I pray your week is blessed, and is as least hectic as possible!
one Case in point:
1 Peter 4:14-16 (The Message)
If you're abused because of Christ, count yourself fortunate. It's the Spirit of God and his glory in you that brought you to the notice of others. If they're on you because you broke the law or disturbed the peace, that's a different matter. But if it's because you're a Christian, don't give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name!
So, as a Christian, I realize there are times when I will come up against adversity. Not only will I, but I already have. I accept it as part of my faith, it is more than worth the reward I have waiting for me. Right?
I want to tell you, precious friends, this aspect of our Christianity is something that we must accept as a reality, and be prepared to deal with.
Lately, this has taken on a whole new meaning for me.
My life, of trying to be faithful to the Lord, has been attacked by someone who I know loves me whole heartedly...someone who I think wants the best for me (or thought, or...I'm just really confused now). I have been attacked by someone who is not only close to me, and loves me, but someone who is...(gasp) a Christian themselves. They haven't attacked the fact that I believe in GOD, or the fact that I am saved. But, as my walk with God has become stronger,my life has gone through many positive changes...and some people just aren't up for change. Some people are content with accepting Jesus as their Savior, and then just being stagnant in their walk. I was once that way, but no longer. I really don't want to get into the details of exactly who or exactly what aspect, but let me just say, this is something I NEVER expected. It hurts deeply. If some stranger give you a dirty look because of the "Christian" tee your wearing, or someone in passing questions your beliefs, while it's not easy to face...it is something you can deal with, and then move on.
Let me tell you that when this kind of attack hits closer to home, from someone you deal with on an almost daily basis, and will probably continue to have to, it's HARD.
This is the first time something like this has EVER happened to me. It hurts. I really hate it. I know that my faith is stronger than ever, and that is why the Enemy is putting this challenge in my life, trying to break the bond between me and my Holy Father.
People! Please understand I am not sharing this so you can feel bad for me. I want you to know that God's word tells us these things are going to happen, and while we know they can, it's still hard to imagine in our own lives.
Imagine for just a moment...Think of one of the most important people in your life right now, and then imagine all of a sudden your faith being questioned by them and becoming at odds with them because of your beliefs. It's scary. I know that possibly, this relationship may never be what it was before.
But, I know that as scary as that is, the Lord is still waiting for me, and will never desert me, no matter who else decides to. I am thankful he truly is my Strong Tower, and that I can take shelter in His loving, protecting arms.
This battle is not over, and I have a feeling it is going to be a long one. I get weary just thinking about it, but I am also able to take heart, because my GOD hears my plea and I know he is looking on me with favor.
I want to ask you all for prayer, not just for me, but for ALL Christians. Pray that when a Believer is encroached, they (we) are able to stand strong in GOD, to take refuge in Him alone. Pray that no matter how long the blows continue, despite their strength and longevity, Christians will remain unchanged, unbroken, and untouched. Pray that the enemy forever fails, and when it's all said and done, the only sound is the Lord's sweet, sweet grace.
I pray that you NEVER have to face a situation like this.I pray you are never at odds with a loved one because of your life and where the Lord has led you. And, in saying that, I know that some of you have already been through these kind of situations, and even much worse. I pray for you. I pray that in this time of struggle, we really can count ourselves fortunate. After all, any adversity we come up against, could never match that which HE went through for us. So, just prepare yourselves, because you never know...
And on to a lighter subject...It's Monday, a few more days and the kids will be out for Christmas break...let the madness begin (or if your household is anything like ours, it already has). I pray your week is blessed, and is as least hectic as possible!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
STREP...'nuff said
Well, last Wednesday Joseph came home from 2nd grade saying his throat hurt. Hmmm. He was burning up. I took his temp...104, thankyaverymuch. I thought maybe it was strep...then the next two days he had a headache, stomachache, and he even told me he was dizzy a few different times. He continued having high fever.
Push the pause button right here for those of you wondering why I didn't already have him to the doctor at this point. The truth is we have been to sooo many Dr's apts over the last few months with him, I thought if there was ANY way to avoid it, I was going to. Plus, I thought maybe he had the flu, since even though his initial complaint was about his throat, he said it really didn't hurt after that...and I didn't think they could give him anything for the flu.
So, fast forward to Saturday... he still had fever but it was not nearly as high and at this point his symptoms did kind of a "switch-a-roo". He wasn't complaining about the previous symptoms. He got a horribly runny nose and diarrhea. Sunday I thought he was a tad bit better and Monday morning he didn't have fever, so off to school he went (he wanted to go, btw). Monday after school, he had fever again. He looked awful. Hmmm. Ok, Ok, I called the Dr. office, but opted to watch him one more day. Well, this morning he woke up w/ new symptoms....sneezing and coughing.
So, I took him in today, and the strep test was positive. I thought for sure it was the flu...but no. They said on top of strep, he probably has a cold and also a stomach bug...a veritable smorgasbord of germs, if you will. Yummy.
I told them he hasn't complained much about his throat and they told me something I'd never heard...they said some kids with strep never complain at ALL about their throats, that it affects everyone differently...I had no clue, I thought if your throat was infected, red, and swollen, that it would hurt.
Push the pause button again...I had, indeed, took a gander down that throat of his...but I couldn't tell anything...I guess I don't know what a normal throat looks like.
They did say it was red, etc, etc, but again, I just couldn't tell.
Anyhoo, we're starting antibiotics and I can't wait to get him "feelin' back to good" because he is CRANKY!!! And, I get to spend the next couple of days home with this CRANKY 7 year old. Woohoo! No, really, I'm glad we have zeroed in on the problem and are back on the path to health. I HATE seeing my babies sick!
So, other than that, I've been just a tad bit busy. Who hasn't...It's almost Christmas! No, I am not done shopping, and yes it's true, we JUST got our tree and other Christmas decorations put up. We are slacking this year, but hey, at least we did do it before Christmas, and if all else fails, Jesus still loves me, in spite of it all.
For that, I am grateful.
So, as I sometimes like to do, I will leave you with my daily devotional from the last two days of my Praying Parent book...
"You don't have to be forever suspicious of your children, but you DO have to be suspicious of the Enemy lurking around waiting to erect a stronghold in their lives."
"Lord, I put my child in Your hands this day. Guide, protect, and convict him/her when sin is trying to take root. Strengthen him/her in battle when Satan attempts to gain a foothold in his/her heart."
PS. Though most are shuddering at this cold weather, I am loving it...I know, I'm sick and twisted, right?
Push the pause button right here for those of you wondering why I didn't already have him to the doctor at this point. The truth is we have been to sooo many Dr's apts over the last few months with him, I thought if there was ANY way to avoid it, I was going to. Plus, I thought maybe he had the flu, since even though his initial complaint was about his throat, he said it really didn't hurt after that...and I didn't think they could give him anything for the flu.
So, fast forward to Saturday... he still had fever but it was not nearly as high and at this point his symptoms did kind of a "switch-a-roo". He wasn't complaining about the previous symptoms. He got a horribly runny nose and diarrhea. Sunday I thought he was a tad bit better and Monday morning he didn't have fever, so off to school he went (he wanted to go, btw). Monday after school, he had fever again. He looked awful. Hmmm. Ok, Ok, I called the Dr. office, but opted to watch him one more day. Well, this morning he woke up w/ new symptoms....sneezing and coughing.
So, I took him in today, and the strep test was positive. I thought for sure it was the flu...but no. They said on top of strep, he probably has a cold and also a stomach bug...a veritable smorgasbord of germs, if you will. Yummy.
I told them he hasn't complained much about his throat and they told me something I'd never heard...they said some kids with strep never complain at ALL about their throats, that it affects everyone differently...I had no clue, I thought if your throat was infected, red, and swollen, that it would hurt.
Push the pause button again...I had, indeed, took a gander down that throat of his...but I couldn't tell anything...I guess I don't know what a normal throat looks like.
They did say it was red, etc, etc, but again, I just couldn't tell.
Anyhoo, we're starting antibiotics and I can't wait to get him "feelin' back to good" because he is CRANKY!!! And, I get to spend the next couple of days home with this CRANKY 7 year old. Woohoo! No, really, I'm glad we have zeroed in on the problem and are back on the path to health. I HATE seeing my babies sick!
So, other than that, I've been just a tad bit busy. Who hasn't...It's almost Christmas! No, I am not done shopping, and yes it's true, we JUST got our tree and other Christmas decorations put up. We are slacking this year, but hey, at least we did do it before Christmas, and if all else fails, Jesus still loves me, in spite of it all.
For that, I am grateful.
So, as I sometimes like to do, I will leave you with my daily devotional from the last two days of my Praying Parent book...
"You don't have to be forever suspicious of your children, but you DO have to be suspicious of the Enemy lurking around waiting to erect a stronghold in their lives."
"Lord, I put my child in Your hands this day. Guide, protect, and convict him/her when sin is trying to take root. Strengthen him/her in battle when Satan attempts to gain a foothold in his/her heart."
PS. Though most are shuddering at this cold weather, I am loving it...I know, I'm sick and twisted, right?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Holy Cow...an award.
I went to check up on my blog the other day,and Angie from AGD designs had nominated me for a blog award! I am just a stay @ home mom who blogs for fun,so I never would imagine getting a blog award...but I am so happy...it made me feel very special :-) so...Thanks Angie (check out her blog listed on my links,btw)!
Here it is:

The translation for this award:
This blog invests and believes in the Proximity-nearness in space, time and relationships. This blog is exceedingly charming. This kind blogger aims to find friends and be friends. This blogger is not interested in prizes or self aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to writers like this one and those nominated below. The rules: Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award.
The thing is, I am still fairly new to blogging, and so I only have a few that I keep up with. So, having to give the award to 8 bloggers, it was pretty much all the ones I keep up with. But! That doesn't mean these nominees are any less deserving! I totally enjoy these blogs listed below, and enjoy keeping up with them.
They deserve the award...
Ladies...I hope this brings a smile to your face like it did mine.
6)Angie @ Bring the Rain
So, this was a fun post, I hope you enjoy your awards :-)
I would like to leave you with the verse from my daily devotional:
I will give you the keys of the kingdom in Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.
Matthew 16:19
...this just kind of makes you think about what is important in life, and what isn't. So if there is something holding you back, pulling you down, I encourage you, in this holiday season, to cut the strings...be ready to enter the kingdom of Heaven knowing you aren't caught up in such earthly things...as we are all guilty of.
Big Hugs, Katy
Here it is:

The translation for this award:
This blog invests and believes in the Proximity-nearness in space, time and relationships. This blog is exceedingly charming. This kind blogger aims to find friends and be friends. This blogger is not interested in prizes or self aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to writers like this one and those nominated below. The rules: Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award.
The thing is, I am still fairly new to blogging, and so I only have a few that I keep up with. So, having to give the award to 8 bloggers, it was pretty much all the ones I keep up with. But! That doesn't mean these nominees are any less deserving! I totally enjoy these blogs listed below, and enjoy keeping up with them.
They deserve the award...
Ladies...I hope this brings a smile to your face like it did mine.
6)Angie @ Bring the Rain
So, this was a fun post, I hope you enjoy your awards :-)
I would like to leave you with the verse from my daily devotional:
I will give you the keys of the kingdom in Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.
Matthew 16:19
...this just kind of makes you think about what is important in life, and what isn't. So if there is something holding you back, pulling you down, I encourage you, in this holiday season, to cut the strings...be ready to enter the kingdom of Heaven knowing you aren't caught up in such earthly things...as we are all guilty of.
Big Hugs, Katy
Monday, December 1, 2008
Go me! Go me! & crusty lips
Can I get an applause?
I'm so proud of myself right now, that I'm thinking about throwing myself a party.
Ok, that MIGHT be taking it a bit far, but...
#1 I'm on my second blog in less than 24 hrs. (I should probably be embarrassed about this instead of being proud about it).
#2 I totally just hot synced (sp) my phone ALL BY MYSELF...let's not worry that I've had this phone for months and am just now getting around to doing this. Let's focus on the positive: Just be proud that I was able to actually do it. I probably shouldn't include the fact that there are 10 million wires going into the back of my PC and that I had to get my big booty on top of this weak, cheap computer desk, almost breaking the desk (seriously, there were was some scary "cracking sounds" and movements going on) and at least one of my limbs (that would be a story for the E.R. doctor). I almost spilled my precious Mexican Mocha, and before it was all said and done really wanted to punch someone in the face. But, it's totally done now, and I can show you the before & after pics of Izzy's haircut. We took off about 6 inches...and I know to some that doesn't seem like much, but this is my baby girl, y'all! She's had it trimmed a couple times before...but this was a true "cut".


Also...Kristi did my hair a couple weeks ago, I'm liking it...she took out a lot of the "bulkiness". I know some people complain about their thin hair, but I have so much hair that it's ridiculous, per Amy's blog...I guess we can never just be happy with what we have.
BTW, I can NOT believe I'm posting a pic of my self, I HATE pics of myself, but, what can I say? I'm feeling bold today:

Last, but not least, I have a question.
Isabel's lips/mouth have been looking terrible. They started out looking chapped, but now it's spread beyond the borders of her lips and looks nasty! At first I thought it was simply chapped lips, but now I am starting to wonder. I am wondering if it could be a cold sore. No one in my family gets cold sores and I thought those were hereditary, but, who knows? She doesn't really act like it hurts her. Also, I just read that cold sores were contagious, but David and I have both kissed her on her cute little lips and neither one of us have gotten it (sadly enough I WON'T be kissing her there anymore until I figure out what's going on). So, I am sure she would appreciate me posting this picture of her crusty lips...but I was wondering if any of you get cold sores and if this is what it looks like or if you have any ideas why it's doing this (chap stick doesn't seem to be helping, btw). Please either comment or email me katyibarra@yahoo.com if you have any thoughts/suggestions.

Yup, told ya they looked nasty...
I'm so proud of myself right now, that I'm thinking about throwing myself a party.
Ok, that MIGHT be taking it a bit far, but...
#1 I'm on my second blog in less than 24 hrs. (I should probably be embarrassed about this instead of being proud about it).
#2 I totally just hot synced (sp) my phone ALL BY MYSELF...let's not worry that I've had this phone for months and am just now getting around to doing this. Let's focus on the positive: Just be proud that I was able to actually do it. I probably shouldn't include the fact that there are 10 million wires going into the back of my PC and that I had to get my big booty on top of this weak, cheap computer desk, almost breaking the desk (seriously, there were was some scary "cracking sounds" and movements going on) and at least one of my limbs (that would be a story for the E.R. doctor). I almost spilled my precious Mexican Mocha, and before it was all said and done really wanted to punch someone in the face. But, it's totally done now, and I can show you the before & after pics of Izzy's haircut. We took off about 6 inches...and I know to some that doesn't seem like much, but this is my baby girl, y'all! She's had it trimmed a couple times before...but this was a true "cut".


Also...Kristi did my hair a couple weeks ago, I'm liking it...she took out a lot of the "bulkiness". I know some people complain about their thin hair, but I have so much hair that it's ridiculous, per Amy's blog...I guess we can never just be happy with what we have.
BTW, I can NOT believe I'm posting a pic of my self, I HATE pics of myself, but, what can I say? I'm feeling bold today:

Last, but not least, I have a question.
Isabel's lips/mouth have been looking terrible. They started out looking chapped, but now it's spread beyond the borders of her lips and looks nasty! At first I thought it was simply chapped lips, but now I am starting to wonder. I am wondering if it could be a cold sore. No one in my family gets cold sores and I thought those were hereditary, but, who knows? She doesn't really act like it hurts her. Also, I just read that cold sores were contagious, but David and I have both kissed her on her cute little lips and neither one of us have gotten it (sadly enough I WON'T be kissing her there anymore until I figure out what's going on). So, I am sure she would appreciate me posting this picture of her crusty lips...but I was wondering if any of you get cold sores and if this is what it looks like or if you have any ideas why it's doing this (chap stick doesn't seem to be helping, btw). Please either comment or email me katyibarra@yahoo.com if you have any thoughts/suggestions.

Yup, told ya they looked nasty...
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