I'm so proud of myself right now, that I'm thinking about throwing myself a party.
Ok, that MIGHT be taking it a bit far, but...
#1 I'm on my second blog in less than 24 hrs. (I should probably be embarrassed about this instead of being proud about it).
#2 I totally just hot synced (sp) my phone ALL BY MYSELF...let's not worry that I've had this phone for months and am just now getting around to doing this. Let's focus on the positive: Just be proud that I was able to actually do it. I probably shouldn't include the fact that there are 10 million wires going into the back of my PC and that I had to get my big booty on top of this weak, cheap computer desk, almost breaking the desk (seriously, there were was some scary "cracking sounds" and movements going on) and at least one of my limbs (that would be a story for the E.R. doctor). I almost spilled my precious Mexican Mocha, and before it was all said and done really wanted to punch someone in the face. But, it's totally done now, and I can show you the before & after pics of Izzy's haircut. We took off about 6 inches...and I know to some that doesn't seem like much, but this is my baby girl, y'all! She's had it trimmed a couple times before...but this was a true "cut".


Also...Kristi did my hair a couple weeks ago, I'm liking it...she took out a lot of the "bulkiness". I know some people complain about their thin hair, but I have so much hair that it's ridiculous, per Amy's blog...I guess we can never just be happy with what we have.
BTW, I can NOT believe I'm posting a pic of my self, I HATE pics of myself, but, what can I say? I'm feeling bold today:

Last, but not least, I have a question.
Isabel's lips/mouth have been looking terrible. They started out looking chapped, but now it's spread beyond the borders of her lips and looks nasty! At first I thought it was simply chapped lips, but now I am starting to wonder. I am wondering if it could be a cold sore. No one in my family gets cold sores and I thought those were hereditary, but, who knows? She doesn't really act like it hurts her. Also, I just read that cold sores were contagious, but David and I have both kissed her on her cute little lips and neither one of us have gotten it (sadly enough I WON'T be kissing her there anymore until I figure out what's going on). So, I am sure she would appreciate me posting this picture of her crusty lips...but I was wondering if any of you get cold sores and if this is what it looks like or if you have any ideas why it's doing this (chap stick doesn't seem to be helping, btw). Please either comment or email me katyibarra@yahoo.com if you have any thoughts/suggestions.

Yup, told ya they looked nasty...
Doesnt look like a cold sore to me..looks like she is licking her lips alot and even maybe biting a tad. I know this b/c I used to do it and now Sarah does it. She licks real big and it gets totally gross. The only way for it to go away is to STOP doing it..which for someone Izzys age will be hard! Just my opinion, I COULD be wrong..I have been before!
I love the pic of you, you look like a totally different woman! Very sassy!! Aww i can't wait to see your fam and to give you the biggest hug! Also i will ask my mom or did you already? Much love
Great shots girl. Especially of you. BEAUTIMOUS! Also wanted to pop on and let you know that you have an award on my blog waiting on you. Go check it out...
Hugs, Angie Seaman
WOW, you a hot mama!! Thanks for your comments. What a darling little girl chapped lips and all. I do believe that those are chapped lips. My mom used to tell me that when she was a kid that she would get them all around her mouth like a ring. Little kids just can't help licking the lips. I love Carmex and Blistex they both really seem to help. Keep in touch!!
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