If I'm going to be honest, I must tell you that on Thanksgiving, I almost jumped in my car and headed out of town...to get away from family. You see, two days prior, my loving husband, offered to do Thanksgiving at our house. HELLO!!?? Aren't you supposed to ask the other person who owns the house with you, lives with you, you know, your spouse, about something like that? I guess he missed that when he read through the rule book. It was just hard...we usually do it at one (or both) of my grandmothers' houses...but they have passed away, so that really wasn't an option this year. I knew we needed to gather and give thanks as a family, but just wanted to head out on the highway and do something different...to get my mind off of things. No such luck seeing as how the hubby offered us up. So, I awoke that morning, ashamed to say, in a foul mood. I was being selfish and pouty and was so annoyed. Although, D did step in and make the dressing and pecan pie, neither of which he has ever made, and both of which he did a great job. Plus, my mom showed up and helped out...I was soooo thankful for that. It turned out to be a great day, and ended up being pretty relaxed. I felt bad for feeling like I did, after all, I do have so many blessings and things to be thankful for...but I was just having one of those days...on Thanksgiving, no less. But, again, once it was all said and done, minus the morning breakdown, it turned out really nice. And, for the first time ever, I don't think I ate wayyy too much...only a little too much.
We got some cute pics of Izzy and my nieces...my boys refused to take photos...and the mood I was in didn't help, because I was in no mood to hassle with them. Of course, now I'm annoyed at myself that I have no photos of ALL my blessings from that day :-(

A couple days before Isabel got a shipment of dresses from Formal Kids that we needed to shoot some pics of for their advertisements...
I thought they turned out pretty good, considering she has an awful cold, runny nose, watery eyes, and a broken out lip...LOL
Keep in mind, these are "pre-edit"...

Ok, well, it's time to start counting down the days until Christmas (actually I think Wal-mart started the day after Halloween)...I can NOT belive that time is almost here again...each year goes by faster and faster...my kids think I'm nuts when I say that, but then again, I thought the same about my parents when they said that to me...
Girl! David does that to you alot! Remember July 4th?! The pics look great. Kiss my little princess for me! Oh, and your hair..in that other post...AMAZING!
Hey...thanks for reminding me about the 4th...I totally forgot. You know, that say you sometimes repress bad memories. LOL.
hmmm, I'm wondering if I should fire him? I was about over it and then you refreshed my memory...Two times now??!! I guess he is just thinking it's ok...next time I'm outta here & he can fend for himself!
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