Thursday, April 2, 2009

Come Home Soon....

I am wondering, "Where did I loose my self discipline"?
I can't quite place it...
I stare at piles of clean laundry, but can't bring myself to put it away.
My waistline is ever expanding (and since Izzy is 4 I can no longer use her as an excuse), but I can't talk myself into working out.
The car has slushie cups from last week, why can't I just throw them away?
It's way past my daughter's bed time, but I'm too tired to follow through with getting her into the bed.
My hair needs a new do, why can't I call and make an appointment?
It's seems like I have turned into the world's most talented procrastinator.
There are so many things needing to be done, but I just have lost all self will...
Where have I left my self discipline?

Maybe it was left in the buggy @ Walmart the other day,
or perhaps fell into my coupon organizer.
Possibly it flew out the window a couple weeks ago,
when I had rolled it down to enjoy the nice weather.
Maybe my Joseph took it and locked it up in his safe with his other treasures.
Heck, maybe a friend stole it as a cruel joke...ya think?
You know, it's even possible I lost it way back in high school.
I mean, who really knows?
All I know is, it is gone.

So, if any of you see it, please send it home...
because if I don't find it, I won't be able to get the house tidy or myself in shape...and my family may abandon me...
So, self discipline, please...Come Home Soon!


Amber said...

Cute Blog! But, I wish I could help! I am about to start eating healthier I need to find my self-discipline! We will see! I've now gained 11 lbs. with this pregnancy and I am hoping to keep it under 25. Time to crack down!!

sara grace said...

It is in the mail cuz!

Katy said...

What's going on??? I've lost mine too. haha