Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Noooooo...this is not my first post since my last "Not Me Monday" post...that, my friends, would make me a slacker. And a slacker I am not.
No. I did NOT use the back of my son's homework and pink craft paper to print out coupons just because I had let my regular computer paper run out .
And no, I am not pretending school is already out for us and letting the kids stay up a little later than usual. I mean, if they stayed up later, that would make them somewhat more difficult to deal with...and I would NEVER do that to their teachers.
I did not feed my husband, who worked a 13 hour day, chips and salsa for dinner just because my dad took the kids out for Chinese and I didn't want to have to cook. That would make my husband start wondering why he ever married me in the first place, and that's silly because I am a fabulous wife.
I didn't allow my kids to watch Stuart Little today, because you know, that cat says the "D" word. Only a sinner of a mother would let her kids watch that filth.
I do not have a weeks worth of mail/paper/bills/fliers/junk stacked up waiting on me to sort through. Again, that would make me a slacker. Which, I already said, I am not.
Last but not least, I did not misread the info on my son's school calender about the day/time of his awards ceremonies. Because, if I had misread it, I would've called his teacher, all in a tizzy about the mixed up days. That, in turn, would have gotten said teacher all in a tizzy as well. I would never stir up drama like that just because I don't double check what I "thought I read". I am a perfect mother, and I'll have you know I would NEVER make a mistake like that.
Nope, not me. And certainly not on a Monday.
Have a blessed week, ladies!