I am nothing. I am unworthy of His mercy, His healing, and His grace.
But, He continues to fill me with ALL of this, anyway.
I am thankful that even on the darkest days, the Lord holds steadfast to me.
He is amazing. He is strong. He is my true Father.
I am thankful the Lord knows our heartbreaking stories long before we ever reach the reality of them. You cry out to Him, but He already knows. I am even more thankful that He already has a plan of healing set in place. I am so thankful that I can find comfort in His name, alone.
His greatness really does shine through in our times of weakness.
If your heart is broken, If you are lost, If you are in despair...cast it all at the foot of the cross, He WILL bear your burden. He WILL restore your soul.
Thank you, Lord, for my reminder today.
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