I just want to say that I watched the show Intervention tonight. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Heart. wrenching. It makes me so incredibly sad. This show has actually taught me quite a bit about addiction. I have family members, close family members, who were or are addicted to various drugs. They have done things to others because of their addiction that have really hurt others, I won't even get into those details. But, let me just say, quite frankly, it always pissed me off (I know that sounds tacky, I usually don't use that word...well, unless something really does piss me off). Gosh that sounds tacky. But, I refuse to replace it with another word. Anyway, I just thought it was ridiculous some of the things they did/do. But, after watching the show I see that the addiction takes over their lives, it's the drug that makes them make all those horrible choices. The drug kills the person you know, and there is just a sad, angry, lost soul left behind. It hurts to even watch. Don't get me wrong, I still hold them responsible, because they chose to try the drug in the first place. But, I do have more compassion for their struggle now. Anyway, the whole reason I bring this up is this: It scares me to death...the fact that those parents never thought their children would be addicts, and now their lives are RIPPED apart. Even the loved ones and family/friends that don't actually do the drug...their lives can be ruined just by having an addict in their family. Some of them come from troubled homes, but I think just as many had "normal" upbringings. That shakes me to the core. I can't imagine having to ever see my children struggle in this way, or living "that life". So, we as parents must pray NOW for our little ones...that God would protect them from any stronghold that would prevent them from living the life that God has planned for them...pray that they are kept free from ANY addiction. It's never too early to start praying for our children's future.
On a MUCH lighter note, Isabel decided to get her hair cut. She wanted it up to her chin. I still wanted to be able to pull it out of her face, and that short seemed a bit drastic. So, we went shoulder length, and I figure if she still wants it short, in the Spring we may go ahead and do it chin length. We shall see. Anyway, it's so adorable...we LOVE it!

Also! Christmas was fantastic! I hope my Mamaw and Gma enjoyed celebrating Jesus' birthday in person...I can't wait until I get to do the same. I am in awe that we are starting the year 2011. In awe. How did we get here? How did it happen? WOW! Anyway, hope everyone had a blessed, fabulous Christmas!
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