After chatting with a friend for a bit tonight, I began to ponder. Something I maybe shouldn't do when I'm delirious. Ooopsy.
Anyway, I just started thinking about the things God has brought me through in the last couple of years. Not only brought me through, but made me better because of it. I learned from the experiences. I didn't want to go through that stuff, I didn't want to learn those lessons. But, I do feel stronger, better (if you will), closer to my Creator...because of those struggles. This world is filled to the brim with hurt, lost, hungry, sick, scared, suffering, oppressed, and lonely people. I start to wonder why can't that all be done away with? Why can't we all be healed and healthy, with no worries or concerns? With no burdens and no heartache? Then I am reminded why...because THIS is Earth, it's not perfect...but Heaven is. That's what we have to look forward to...Heaven, a perfect kingdom that will last forever, without end. I can't wait until the day I meet Him, face to face. What a glorious day it will be.
But, until then, this Earth is my temporary home. I want to do what I can to help make it better, but I do get overwhelmed at where to even start.
Lord, help me to be who and what you want me to be. Forgive me when I get preoccupied with the path I think I should be on, and help me to remember to let You lead the way. I love you Lord. I'm thankful for my many blessings, that I am so undeserving of. May my life be a reflection of the mighty works you do in me.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:16
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monster slugs
I'm slugs! We moved a dog house out of our backyard and Joseph spotted these underneath. He insisted I take a picture, and I can't believe I'm posting it because I was gagging the whole time I took the pictures. Eww. Can you see the slime that they left behind in the upper left corner? Double Eww.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Here I am
Where have I been, you ask? Ok, you probably don't ask, but I will tell you anyway. First, my sweet just-turned-6 month old got RSV. I read that most kids have RSV at one time or another, but if my older three ever had it, it must not have been bad enough to warrant a doctor appointment because I don't recall them having it. It started with a nasty cough. We actually went to the doctor for a checkup for my oldest and I ask our doc to just take a quick listen to Blake, as he'd had a crummy sounding cough. He ended up doing a full office visit with him. He had an ear infection, and got an antibiotic for that. Then the doc said he probably had a mild case of RSV, but they couldn't do much for it, and just to watch him close and bring him back if he got worse. The next day he was worse, but I thought I'd wait one more day and see how it went. Worse. He sounded terribly "wheezy" and wasn't eating as much and was sleeping a lot, all of these unlike his normal self. This time the doc said it was definitely RSV. His antibiotics were not helping his ears, which were worse, so he got two shots and stronger meds for that. We ended up having to do breathing treatments, which we are still doing, about every four hours. Thankfully, he had a good oxygen level and was hydrated enough so that he didn't have to be admitted to the hospital. As of now, he isn't really better, but I don't think he's worse, so I'm just continuing to watch him closely. I was told the symptoms could actually last for a couple of weeks. (insert deep sigh here). In the midst of all this, I got a TERRIBLE pain in my back one day. I tried to ignore it, but it got so bad I couldn't even pick Blake up. I ended up going to the minor emergency clinic and they did and xray and said it was a muscle spasm and prescribed me some meds. I don't know much about muscle spasms. My back is better, but still really hurts. My dad is encouraging me to exercise/work it out, but every time I do anything it really hurts, so I'm having a hard time talking myself into much activity. The very worst part is not being able to carry Blake around like usual. Especially because he is sick :( Anyway, every now and then I can actually feel *something* inside my lower back twitching. It's SUPER annoying. The older kids have also been on Spring Break. It has actually been really nice. They have spent a lot of time with their Papaw/my Dad and the weather has been beautiful. David has been working a long schedule so we really didn't get to go anywhere (but with everything else going on we probably wouldn't have anyway). We did make it to the local Circus today (post to follow) and the bleachers KILLED my back. So, that's where I've been. Rather, I've been on my couch, but that is WHY I've been on my couch. So, here I am, I'm back...just not necessarily in full swing.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How she eats apples...

This is how Isabel eats apples. Whole, yet peeled. Odd. She used to like them peeled, cut up, and sometimes added salt (which I think is grody on apples!). I was talking about it, saying we needed to cut back (I'm a salt-a-holic), and I guess she heard. Since then, she's mostly avoided the salt. Salt definitely isn't something she needs, so it doesn't bother me one bit. Even though all of our children are on the skinnier side, not even close to being overweight, I want to teach them healthy eating habits(boy, do I have a long way to go). Those habits stay with them, and when they get older, and not so skinny and not so easy to stay in shape, it will be much harder to change those bad habits. I am struggling with my "size" now, and it was FAR from being an issue when I was a kid. Therefore, I can hopefully take a cue from my Iz and cut back on the salt, myself! But, I just thought it was cute that she has her own (odd) way of eating apples! Hopefully it will still keep the doctor away ;)
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