This is how Isabel eats apples. Whole, yet peeled. Odd. She used to like them peeled, cut up, and sometimes added salt (which I think is grody on apples!). I was talking about it, saying we needed to cut back (I'm a salt-a-holic), and I guess she heard. Since then, she's mostly avoided the salt. Salt definitely isn't something she needs, so it doesn't bother me one bit. Even though all of our children are on the skinnier side, not even close to being overweight, I want to teach them healthy eating habits(boy, do I have a long way to go). Those habits stay with them, and when they get older, and not so skinny and not so easy to stay in shape, it will be much harder to change those bad habits. I am struggling with my "size" now, and it was FAR from being an issue when I was a kid. Therefore, I can hopefully take a cue from my Iz and cut back on the salt, myself! But, I just thought it was cute that she has her own (odd) way of eating apples! Hopefully it will still keep the doctor away ;)
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