If you live in my state, Texas, then you know the state flower is a Bluebonnet. They bloom for a short time in the Spring, and are beautiful. They remind me of my Mamaw because her favorite color was blue. Anyway, in our area, it's a MUST to photograph your children in bluebonnets. The problem is they start coming up, you notice them, realize you need photos, then by the time you get around to it, they are gone! We have four kids, the oldest being almost 15. We have gotten bluebonnet pictures, all together, I think 3 times. Pitiful huh? Anyway, this year I was determined not to miss them. I didn't think the boys would be too gung-ho about pictures sitting in a bunch of flowers, so I thought at least I could get Isabel and Blake. Plus, just a few days before, I had all four kids get pictures together for our Easter card. I knew the big boys had already had their fill of sitting still and posing. The blue bonnet pictures turned out pretty good, I thought, minus Blake screaming his head off (what, you mean that doesn't make for a good picture???). Here are a couple :)

Thanks to my dad for taking the pictures!
Happy Spring, Everyone!!
I love the font you are using. What is it?
Thanks...I'm not sure of the name of it...but when I set the page up, it was one of the font choices under bloggers fonts. Go to the "design" section and then to text and try them out :)
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