Today I had the awesome idea to go to Walmart and pick up a ten dollar plastic pool for Blake to splash in, out on the patio. Let me just say that A WEEK AND A HALF AGO my sweet ALMOST 9 month old got so sick with a virus. It wasn't a 24 or 48 hour virus like I am used to people around here getting...this thing lasted for 5 days! I mean we are talking "the works" when it comes to the symptoms he had. It. Was. Terrible. Then, just as those symptoms were subsiding, the runny nose, cough and watery eyes started. I'm not sure if it's a cold, or if it's allergies...but we are going on day 11 of my baby boy NOT being himself :( He has been happier the last two days, though, so back to the pool. I thought it would be something fun for him to do. I decided to get the $15 dollar size once I got there...only five more dollars, right? I mean WHO CARES if it was gonna fit in the back of my SUV. The problem started when I wandered OUT of the lawn and garden section. He needed sunscreen. Well, we had some at home already, so maybe "need" isn't the right word. But, the Coppertone Water Babies was on sale AND I had a coupon, so I felt like we should have another bottle. Oh, he needs little swimmers! We don't want the diaper to get wet and break apart and make a mess, so over to the baby section we went. There, I did find the swimmers, plus an outfit, and a toy. I then realized he didn't have his own beach towel. Don't worry, I found a reasonably priced one. On the way back to the Lawn and Garden section I passed the outdoor dept. where they have life jackets. Don't laugh at me. I wasn't going to put him in a life jacket for the baby pool, which I would be sitting right there with him the whole time. But, we like to go to the lake, where he really will need one. And, it's a super cute life jacket.
So, I really should not and will not post what my "supposed to be $10 trip to Walmart" turned into. Don't judge me, you know you've done it, too. For some reason that book, "When you give a Pig a Pancake" is running through my mind.
Anyway, here are some pictures of baby Blake and his first swim. Forgive his sad eyes, again he just isn't back to feeling 100% yet!

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