For those that don't know about migraines...I'm going to fill you in.
You may think this is silly because if you get migraines, you already know about them...and if you don't get them, then what do you care, right?
Too bad, so sad.
There is lots of good info online about migraines, so this is just a personal point-of view :)
The reason I'm writing this post, is to inform people that have people in their lives that get migraines, but don't understand what that means.
Let's get one thing clear...a headache is NOT a migraine. I mean, there are your run-of-the-mill headaches, but a migraine is a whole new level of pain.
I've heard they are hereditary, and I believe it.
My Mom always had lots of headaches when I was growing up and I never understood how she could get them so often. That is, until after I had my first child and started having migraines. I had had my fair share of headaches up until then, but the pain level started to increase and I would throw up with them. The progressed over the years. The pain is so bad, it feels like someone is inside your head with a hammer and they are pounding away, trying to find a way out. My day is done when I get a migraine, if AT ALL possible, I just have to take my meds and go to bed. Thankfully, my family is truly understanding. I have been sick as a dog before, and still up taking care of my family and getting stuff done, but a migraine puts me down completely. Usually it starts out with throbbing, can be anywhere, but lots of times on one side of my forehead. I will think to myself, "Please let this be a regular headache and not a migraine!" Then the nausea starts, the pain worsens, it's awful. My prescription Zomig (the nasal spray) works pretty good when paired with Phenergan for the nausea. If I have it, I take it, then I bury myself in covers. Ideally, I would pass out and wake up with it gone, but when you have someone hammering away on your skull, it's near impossible to fall asleep. Every sound is magnified, every light is painful to look at (at least for me). Also, now that my husband has been laid off and we are without insurance, my Zomig costs over $200 for SIX doses. Yup, you read that right. For the most part, I do not experience "auras" or whatever it is that is common with migraines...but the worse migraine I have ever had did start with a type of aura. We were in church, it was during worship. I was following the words on the big screen, when all of a sudden, I could only see half of the screen. I looked over at my husband to see if it was just me, and I could only see half of his face...I started to panic a bit (mind you I had no pain or other symptoms at this point)...I looked around at my children and other people...everything I looked at I could only see half. I whispered to my David to tell him what was wrong. He said I think you are stressed and your eyes are stressed, just close your eyes and relax. I tried, but I started feeling sick. I went to the car to wait on the family to finish with the service. By that time, serious pain had kicked in and we were on our way to drop the kids off at the in-laws and head straight to minor ER clinic. I couldn't breathe well, and my feet and hands actually curled up and were so tight I couldn't move them. I was OFFICIALLY freaking out by now. We got to the clinic and checked in. I remember at one point begging David to go find a rope and hang it around my neck. Now listen, I'm a woman. I can be just as dramatic as the last dame, but I would never joke around about suicide in this manner. I was desperate for relief! When they called me back, they ended up giving me a shot of what they said was very strong, said they'd be back in ten minutes and my symptoms should be starting to subside. When they came back, nothing had changed...it didn't help at all. The ONLY comfort I had was I had read somewhere that no one ever died from a migraine, although I was wondering if I would be the first, and if it would be self-inflicted. The doc said he had an even stronger shot he wanted to try, he administered it, and said he'd be back in ten. Thank you, Jesus! I could actually feel it kicking in, and I was immediately GRATEFUL! Of course, I was an absolute froot loop for the rest of the day, but at least I wasn't a froot loop who was in pain! Anyway, like I said, that was the worst one ever, but honestly, when you are in the midst of it, each one feels like the worst one ever. Also, my have been really bad lately. Last week I had three or four. Then this week I've had a couple, one happening on the day our family went out of town for a Spring Break fun day! I was so mad, but in too much pain to actually take it out on anyone or anything (besides, who or what would even be my victim??). Another thing, is some people are able to figure out their triggers, I have not been able to so far. I think that would be great information, because then you would at least know what to try an avoid. Also, I went for an eye exam last year, and they took pictures of the back of my eyes. The doctor said I had quite a bit less pigment back there than most people, which means light doesn't filter as well, and it could be adding to my migraines. I thought that was super interesting, and have noticed that if I go outside when it's bright for a decent amount of time, I get a migraine almost every time. So, even though I've never loved sunglasses like most gals, I've started wearing them. I try to stay inside on days like those, but I can't avoid life...we have soccer games, birthday parties, etc, etc, that I have to be a part of. I guess my point to all this, if you know someone who suffers from migraines, please know THEY ARE REAL. Just because you haven't experienced one, don't doubt how painful and terrible they are. Don't think your friend or family member is being dramatic, or a big baby...just do what you can to help, and be thankful YOU don't have to deal with one. We have four children, and I don't want to think about the odds, because I PRAY that NONE of my children ever have to experience a life with migraines...even though our two oldest boys already get a fair amount of headaches. My Mamaw once told me that she thought she had had a headache or two in her lifetime, but that was it. I cannot fathom a life with no headaches...!?! The fact is, we could all use a little more "walking a mile in someone else's shoe" type sympathy for others :)