Well, Our weather has continued to be fabulous around these parts! Joseph had his first soccer game, and they didn't win, but played fabulously and we really enjoyed watching him. We finally had a "family" celebration for our sweet Izzy's 7th birthday! We had a cook out and cupcakes (her favorite!). She opened a few presents, including a bird house, that her cousins and herself had fun decorating at their sleepover. She also got to open her American Girl doll, that had been hiding in a closet for about a month, it was KILLING me to keep it a surpise! We chose McKenna, the current girl of the year. She had been wanting one for a while...and now we are trying to find a good weekend we can go the American Girl bistro and store in Dallas. Having a little girl is such fun! I can't believe she is SEVEN...but that's just what the kids do, continue to grow up way too fast. Baby Blake is a year and half now. He is super active, but doesn't talk much. He is just a bit behind schedule with that, and he has an appointment to get checked out for that later this week...just to make sure there isn't something we are missing. He bit TWO kids at his kids program he goes to twice a week when I'm at school. This makes victim #3 and #4. It makes me so sad, I don't know how to stop him, he has bitten a few times at home, but not much. I am worried he will get kicked out if he keeps it up, very stressful! As always, we are BUSY, BUSY, BUSY...the life of a Mom :) We have soccer practice for Joseph 2 nights a week and then a game each weekend, and gymnastics one night a week. Awanas for Joseph is on Weds. evenings. School keeps me SUPER busy. I just got my other test back and I made another 101 in Algebra! Seriously...I hate to brag, except I don't...because I am working my tail off in that class! I also just finished a Power Point presentation for my Education class, which I actually really had fun putting together. See? Sometimes being an adult is actually pretty cool.
Until next time, here are a few pictures from one of Izzy's parties...
(Yes, mother of four forgot the camera for J's first game of the season :(

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