I did it again...let my blog get away from me!
Changes continue to rule our family's life!
I left my part-time job. I only worked for a few months, but between a family, school, etc...it was too much! I missed being an "at home" Mom. Of course, with David being laid off, finances are very tight, but things are going ok...and I trust with God watching over us, they will continue to improve as He sees fit. I just got done reading "Kisses from Katie." That book is Uhh-Maze-ING! If you read, AT ALL, go get a copy. I downloaded the Kindle version for myself, and I see it as a book I will end up reading several times. I will share more thoughts about this book and the emotions/thoughts/etc that it stirred up in me :)
For now, I am back in full swing at school. One of my courses is College Algebra...a class I have put off as LONG as possible. I usually do the minimum in each class, and get an "A". With Algebra, I would be happy just to pass. I studied HOURS for our first test and almost passed out when I got my grade back...a 101!!!!! Woohooo!
This week, we have had a couple of sick kids in the house. I ended up taking Isabel and Blake in because of high fevers (Blake's got up to about 103 and Izzy's got over 104!) and a couple of other unusual symptoms...they did some bloodwork and concluded that it's a viral infection. I'm THANKFUL it's not anything more complicated, but of course with a virus, antibiotics don't help, so it just has to run it's course. Today they seem to both be feeling better, not great, but better. I'm just hoping the rest of us in the house stay healthy.
We had a couple of BEAUTIFUL weather days. I noticed my mood was MUCH improved. I've decided I think the yucky winter weather is one of the things that is kind of bringing me down...I can't wait for Spring!!!
For the most part, our family is doing well. "Even when I'm stressed, I'm blessed!"
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