Saturday, August 31, 2013

Transparency...the long version

What is transparency?
I looked up the definition. It said “fine or sheer enough to be seen through,” “free from pretense or deceit,” and also, “readily understood.”

Some synonyms I looked up: clearness, lucency, translucence, translucency, clarity
I believe God calls us to be transparent. But how many of us are truly transparent? How many of us are “sheer enough to see through and without deceit?”
For me, there are things I readily share, things I reluctantly share (but still share when I feel the time really calls for it), and things I haven’t shared at all.
Ephesians 4:25 says, “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”  God is mighty and can work on anyone and through anyone. If we are quiet about what God has done for us, then to me, it’s like trying to keep His holiness a secret. If we keep His holiness and His ability to do great things such a secret, then we are losing out on sharing His greatness with others. If we don’t share how great He is, they may never come to know Him.
Do we have to have diarrhea of the mouth and tell everyone, everything, all the time? Haha! I don’t think so. Not at all.
I think the Holy Spirit encourages us to share when the timing is right and the situation calls for it. Of course, sometimes it’s hard to know when the time is right.
I personally love when people share their trials with me and then tell about what God has done to help them. It’s not because I’m happy that someone else has gone through something painful or tough or heartbreaking, it’s because it gives me hope to hear the details of His amazing healing and forgiveness.
I always feel blessed when someone comes to me with a problem, and it’s something I have gone through and can share my own experiences with them. I also always feel more comfort when I am facing a trial and can talk to someone that has been through that same thing already. When someone has been through what you have, there is just a new level of connection and understanding. When that happens, God is able to show up and show out, right on time. It can make all the difference in someone coming to know what a caring, detail kind of “guy” that God is.
Can God work without us sharing our business? Duh. But how much more are we blessed when we allow Him to use us for His glory?!
The things I have been through, the things you have been through…that is part of our story…the good times and the bad times, the up times and the down times. Our story may be what helps lead someone else to Christ, or if they already know Christ, then help lead them to further healing in Christ. Sometimes we have parts of our stories that just seem so undeserving, so unclean, so filthy, that we just don’t see how God could want us, much less use us. But, He can. When Christ gave Himself up for us, His work wasn’t limited to only cover certain sins or certain people. The gift is there for all to receive, if they accept it.
The more we share our struggles, the more transparent we are, the more opportunities we have to help others, and honestly usually find some healing and help for ourselves in the situation as well. Our sin is like a filthy rag, and yes, it is shameful, and no it’s not easy to tell people about what mistakes we have made, but Christ cleaned our rag and made it brand new, as white as snow…that is JOY, people! We can be proud of who we are BECAUSE of Christ Jesus. That is something to sing about…not something to hide…It’s something to share with someone about!!
Also, when we are afraid of being transparent, afraid of judgment, we can totally take it right to the feet of God. We can ask boldly for Him to give us courage in doing what He asks of us.
There is ZERO condemnation in Christ Jesus, ZERO judgment in sharing the MIGHTY works He has done in us.
So with that being said, I have being praying fervently for Him to show me how, when, where, and with who I should be transparent with. I don’t want to miss an opportunity to share about how amazing He is, simply because I am afraid. He is totally working on me in this area and this topic has been on my heart…so, If you want to pray for me in this area, thank you! If you need prayer from me in this area, feel free to email me J  

Let us be completely and totally in Your will, God!

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