I have been on the Internet this morning, of all things, searching through real estate in Mexico. My dream home:

No, we're not moving...it was just for fun. I do have a dream to move there one day. David's parents are from there (but moved here before they had him) and our family has been several times to visit his family who is there. For me, no words can describe it. It is so peaceful. The people are so welcoming and generous. The pace is easier...it seems like people truly enjoy life...instead of rushing through one day just to get to the next. Another thing that I really like, is that it isn't as "material" as here where we live. Here, it is so easy to get caught up in material things...always wanting a bigger home, a fancier car, clothes, shoes, jewelry, big screen tv's, expensive toys, etc, etc...I am not saying everyone is that way, and I am striving to do better, but I am definitely included in that. In Mexico, at least in the part we go to, life is just much more simple, I feel like it's easier to just be more of what God wants me to be (though some may say that's silly, and everyone is entitled to their opinion) because you don't get caught up in all that other clutter (yea, I know, which means I don't need that silly house pictured above :-). The one thing that concerns me, and keeps me from packing up and heading down there (ok, maybe not the only thing, but you know...), is my children's education. The area where we would move, I would be better off homeschooling my kids. I could probably handle it through elementary, but then what? Then the kids would get older, want to come back here probably, and wouldn't have a good education?!
Anyway, all that aside, I was sitting here and thinking "One day it may be possible for us to actually move there". Who knows? I wondered if God would maybe want to use me as a missionary ( I have a lot to learn, but still...). All these thoughts led me to more thoughts... about the life I am living now.
I know we are all sinners, and struggle each day. I know that my life is not as good as it could be if I was living MORE for him. I wanted to pray, but as I bowed my head, I could only weep. Each time I thought I was done, the tears would start all over again. I was thinking "what is wrong with me"!? But, I knew that I was just crying out to GOD, I wasn't speaking, but it was a form of prayer. I was telling Him I needed Him to guide me in this life, to help me be strong enough to let everything but Him & His will for me fall away. I never heard a voice shout from the Heavens...but I was still, and I felt the Lord comfort me. He knew what was on my heart. He always does.
I still don't have a clear answer about if I'll ever get to live in Mexico, but if it is in God's will for me, it will happen. For now, I got the message that he wants me to enjoy the more simple things in life...to spend true quality time with my family...and with HIM. To enjoy and appreciate the things He has already blessed me with, instead of constantly nagging Him for more. To be thankful for my life, my husband, my children, my parents & siblings, my friends, our safety and our health.
I leave this blog with a challenge for you:
I know there are moments in my life, where GOD is whispering in my ear, "Savor this moment", and I ignore him because I'm too caught up in the drama, I'm too busy, too stressed, too impatient, too...whatever. I know we all have moments we look back on and say that we "could have", "should have", "would have"...if we'd only known...but time doesn't stand still, and we don't get "do overs". You NEVER know what tomorrow will bring...you just don't. So...sorry this was such a lengthy post...and talking about my dream home in Mexico turned into preaching...but, hey, it's my blog and I'll type what I want to ...lol.
I challenge myself & you...next time HE is whispering in your ear, take His Word for it, enjoy what He has blessed you with.
Love you all,
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).