So, we've had two ceremonies and a graduation, and I have to brag a little on my boys...I mean, if you can't brag about your kids, who the heck can you brag about??!!
Joseph got every award given, except for one, @ his 1st grade ceremony. He looked so handsome, and watching him walk across that stage...I was just thinking how much he has grown this school year, and wondering how he is still one of the smallest in his! He really did have a terrific year...I am sad to see him moving on from Mrs. King's class, but I guess that is what first graders do...move on to second grade :-).
Joseph's awards...
Joseph & Mrs. King...
Joseph's class in the tees they made w/ Mrs. King...
Andrew also had a great great year & got several awards at his ceremony...
I am especially proud of the "Presidential Outstanding Academic" award he got. He also got "commended" on TWO of his TAKS tests this year.
On Monday night Andrew had his graduation. It was really neat...each teacher would go up to the stage and call the names of the kids in their own class who were graduating. As each child name was called and they walked across the stage, A one slide power point was shown on the big screen that they made all by themselves. They got to choose the content and they also played a recording of their voice reading the power point. Andrew's said that he was most proud of his parents...for always being there for him. Yes, it made me cry, and yes, before we even got to graduation I had already had two breakdowns. I was just fine, excited even, for Andrew to be moving on to Junior High...but come Monday the harsh reality of just how fast time has flown by began to set in...and I've been a sob story ever since. Anyway, Andrew also noted on his power point, that he will be attending college for 7 years...afterwards a lot of the parents were teasing me asking how David and I were going to afford it?!
Anyway, to say we are proud of him would be a total understatement. My heart is overflowing with love for our son. I am anxious about him growing up, and moving on to Jr. high...but I know he is a great kid and is going to do well there. As you read this, please say a quick prayer for him that he is able to do well, stand up to any peer pressures, stay focused on his goals, and just be the kind of person that God wants him to be. We all know that kids face so many challenges in this world, it's harsh out there, and it's so scary sending your baby out in it.
Hope you all are having a great week. One more day, and Summer officially begins for the Ibarra household!
1 comment:
First--you look SOO pretty in that picture! 2nd--thanks, I am crying now!! Way to go Ibarra boys!!
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