Wow...I can finally take a breath! School is out! Baseball is over! And, we are still alive to tell the
We lost our playoff game last night, to the Athletics, who played a good game. We were down by a few points, had runners on bases and Joseph hit a good one...I thought that was it, and we were going to catch up and possibly over take them...but, their first baseman caught Joseph's pop-fly and got all of our boys out! I guess it just wasn't meant to be for us. Needless to say, I am glad it is over with...and definitely wish the Athletics luck in the LAST playoff game tonight!
As for hard as it is for me to face how fast these kiddos of ours are growing (as mentioned in previous posts!), we are ALL ready for a break! I am so excited that Summer is "here" for us. In a few weeks when the kids are driving me nuts, remind me of this post :-). The boys got their report cards, which were great. I was disappointed though, that they hadn't gotten the class lists together so we would know what teachers we would have next year. Don't misunderstand me, those ladies have plenty of work to do and getting the students divided into the classes is a chore, no doubt! I just meant I was disappointed because I am DYING to know who Joseph will have next year! As for Andrew, at Crockett, he will have several different teachers...I think they have 7 I'm not as particular with him because he doesn't spend too much time with any one teacher. Joseph is a lot more sensitive and I am very concerned about what class he will end up in. So far, he has had GREAT teachers...and we are going to miss Mrs. King incredibly :-(...maybe the luck with good teachers will continue on next year!
After I have a rest, I am hoping to dig deep down inside and find some energy to clean my has been seriously neglected these past couple of weeks!
Well, that's it for now...I hope that all of you have a safe, happy, blessed matter what you are doing or where you are!
Blog to you soon :-)
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