What a week we have had! Andrew still has not decided what he wants to "do" for his birthday, so we did a small family celebration, but nothing else, yet!
I made him a cake at home...granted, it's not that cute, but it's my first one EVER to make, we ALWAYS go to Piece of Cake, because they are YUMMY!
As some of you know, Amy's dad is in Iran and has had a stroke. Last week I picked them up one day to help her out, and they weren't with us long, but long enough to get a few pics...
Joseph, Jack, Izzy, & Sarah all squeezed into the "redneck ghetto-mobile"

Sarah and Izzy jumping, Joseph driving the r.g.m. under the trampoline...this was so hilarious, he had to duck all the way just to get under, Jack bailed out just before...
Joseph & Jack "manning the fort"
Jack INSISTED I take this picture...LOL
Isabel all dressed up for the Pep Rally, Friday, after I realized I haven't had a Wildcat shirt made for her this year (Loser Mom!!) btw, she isn't always in those pajamas as shown in the pics above...but she loves wearing that gown, sorry she was wearing the SAME one in previous post pictures :-) oops!

Also, we are waiting on new furniture for the boys' room...in the meantime I have basically taken everything out of there, and the boys have been sleeping in our room...HURRY UP FURNITURE!!! But, I walked past their room yesterday and something caught my eye, I stepped back, looked in, and saw this little guy hanging from the fan, no doubt the handy work of Joseph...
I can't help but laugh, he does stuff like this ALL the time! I am so thankful for the joy he brings to my life!
Anyway, I am actually thankful it's Monday...last week was so busy, but honestly, I think this week is going to prove to be just as busy, lots of stuff going on, so maybe I should take the first part of this sentence back?!
I would like to ask you to continue to pray for Amy and her family, for her father's health to improve. Also, please continue to pray for my cousin, Sara, who is a missionary in Honduras. There is a link to my blog on the right, but she doesn't have a lot of time to update, as she is busy busy busy. Last week she started teaching PreK and K students at a new school...she is only allowed to teach in English and the kids only speak Spanish...what a battle to overcome...just pray God's hand is on them all :-)
Love to you all,
PS. My friend, Leah, has started making jewelry.
I have added a link to her blog on the right, Flashy Flamingo.
Her stuff is soooo cute, you can pick from premade items or have a customized one made up...you choose the length.
So far I think the pics are for adult pieces, but I am going to get a couple for Isabel...so excited!
Check it out!!!
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