So, my mom and I went to see "Nights in Rodanthe". It was nice to get to spend a little girl time with her, plus the movie was fantastic. She thought it was a tad bit "draggy" in places...but we both really liked it. Not only that, but there are couple of movies coming out in November that I REALLY want to see, after watching the previews. They are both Christmas movies, if I am remembering correctly, which I loooove.
I love watching movies. I don't bowl, I don't skate, I don't go to bars or yea, that's pretty much all there is to do here in P*town...movies.
When I was little we had two movie theaters...the cool newer "Cinema" and the old, grungy "Grand". Both of those eventually closed and they built/opened a brand new Cinemark theater. We (meaning the whole frickin town) were so excited...finally a nice theater to watch movies! Celebrate good times! Wooohooo!
Well, let me tell ya...when it was finally opened...I was sooo disappointed! The seats are small and hard as a rock. Though I'm not a stick, I am not a big girl, and the seats hurt my back, my butt, and every other body part. I can never get comfortable. The whole place stinks, and is dirty including the theaters and the bathrooms. Can I get in trouble for saying this? This is just my opinion. It is always either freezing cold, or hotter than heck in there. UGGGHHH!
You know "Some girls do nothing but complain".
I hate to be that girl, but it's true! I just want a comfortable, clean place to rest my keester so I can enjoy the movie I paid to watch, not to mention the fact that I spend my life savings on popcorn (extra butter), candy (Raisinettes), and soda (Cherry coke...and though I only want the medium sz. drink, I always end up getting the large because it's only .25 cents more). One trip to the movies costs my familia the equivalent of a week's worth of groceries. Ok, maybe not quite that much, but sometimes we take our nieces with us, and if you add all that up...
So, I will continue to go to my local crapola theater and watch movies, because it's just what I like to do. But! I am going to pray that they decide to install love seat style seating like they have in the metroplex...I could kick back and totally relax!
Who am I kidding, I would probably fall asleep in there, just like I do on my couch when we're watching a movie at home...haha!
Oh well, I guess I will end my post with that...after all, you can only write so much about theater seats.
Hope every one's having a great week, and that your hometown theater has nice, comfy, keester-friendly seats!
Toodles <3
Well, I TOTALLY agree about that nasty place. I went to 4 movies over the weekend and I think it got worse each time. It used to smell like mildew..this time it smelled like a nursing home. (aww..sad) BUT IT DID!
I hated that movie by the way. I read the book 1 or 2 years ago and it is great but the movie...not so much. I guess my expectations were too high..Igor was good!
I love reading your posts. It makes me feel a little closer to you. Surprisingly, one of the three movie theaters in San Pedro Sula has amazing seats (the kind that the arm rest lifts up so you can cuddle with your date {however, that has definitely not been in my experiences...yet}). On top of that it only costs $3 (or 60 limpiras), drinks are about a buck and so is candy. On tuesdays the tickets are half price. SOoo one more reason you need to get down here!!!!!!!!!! I love you and miss you.
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