David and I were both "smaller" people growing up...I guess "petite" would be a better word. AKA, we are both short. Even though we used to be petite in weight as well, that's really not the case anymore. Because of our small builds, all three of our children have tended to be on the smaller side of average. That is fine with me, except when it comes to buying cloths...pants to be exact. Shopping for pants = total headache. I have to buy slim sizes for the boys...do you know how hard it is to find slim sizes in a small town? Pretty hard. Of course, a lot of brands now have adjustable waist, but when Andrew was younger, only Gap had that feature and those were the ONLY pants we could buy. Since then, everyone else has jumped on the bandwagon, so it's a little easier these days. So anyway, I usually end up ordering from online because I can do it in the comfort of my own home and there are so many options.
Anyway, like most, we took the kids shopping when school started. Joseph still fit in his shorts/pants from last year (actually they were bigger on him??? What's that about?), but Andrew had grown over the Summer and we had to get him a bigger size. That was the end of August. Fast-forward to now, about 6 weeks later. He has outgrown his NEW jeans! Mind you, he's only worn them a couple times each, because it's still short weather around here. Now usually I would want Abercrombie or Gap jeans for him, just because they "look" better on him and they have better selection of washes/colors. But since we JUST bought new jeans/pants and already have to get bigger sizes, I felt it was in my best interest to go to Old Navy because they were cheaper and if he is in a growth spurt I may be buying yet another bigger size before long. I got on the Old Navy site and was soooo excited...the jeans he wanted were $16.50!!! Can I get an Amen?! Ok, hold your Amen...
When I went to get his size...14 slim...well, there was no 14 slim. Their slim sizes only go up to 12 slim. What? ridiculous. I guess you can only be skinny if you are 12 and under. Now, log on to Gap website...they HAVE 14 slim...at double the cost. Granted, still not too expensive for jeans, but again, given the current situation I am trying to go cheap cheap cheap. From what I understand Gap and Old Navy are owned by the same company, so why don't they BOTH carry 14 slim??? I object!
Anyhoo, looks like I am back to shopping at Gap only for the big A. Again, I LOVE Gap, but I also love choices and options. If anyone has a place where I can get decent jeans at a decent price in his size, fill a sista in.
On another note, our niece, Kaydan, just turned two! They are having her party this weekend, but she just had her actual birthday on Sept. 30th. For any of you with kids, you know how fast they grow. It's something I talk about often here on my blog, because it really does kill me how fast time flies. I honestly can NOT believe that Kaydan is 2! It feels like Kayla should still be pregnant, with little Kaydan in her tummy. I just want to say also, that Kayla and Daniel are very good parents. I love my brother in law, and my sister in law and my precious niece that he has brought into this family...they are such a blessing to us and I am thankful for their little family. Happy Birthday Kaydan Valencia!!!
Luv 2 u all,
PS...from my Power of a Praying Parent devotional...it's on another subject than jeans, and b-days...but I liked it...
"If there is any work of the Enemy in my family's past that seeks to encroach upon the life of my child, I break it now by the power and authority given in Jesus Christ."
AMEN to that!
Have you tried Lucky Brand?
Actually I love Lucky brand jeans...but have never seen them in slim sizes. Plus, they are more in the $80 range, which I am not willing to spend on a child who is growing faster than any weed I've ever seen :-).
Thanks for the suggestion though, dear! If you think of anything else...
Two words...Good-Will :))))))
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