I can tell it's Monday, for sure.
First, we woke up a late this morning and were scrambling to get out the door. Andrew forgot his coat, and it was in the 40's when we left for school...but it's supposed to warm up, so I think he'll be fine??!! I couldn't find Joseph's lunch box, so his lunch is packed in a Wal-Mart sack...nice, huh? I know, I know, way too classy for all you folks out there in "blog land"...LOL.
Isabel is going to have her hair cut today...I'll try to post before and after pics later on. She is 3 1/2 and her hair has been cut once and trimmed twice already. It is very long, and she has a lot, but it is also very fine and slinky...so you can't do much with it. It's breaking my heart to cut it, but it needs to be done for her sake (she hates getting it brushed), and if I don't take the plunge and do it now, I fear I may never do it!
I have so much laundry to do that it should be illegal, I'm serious, my boys put on their LAST pair of socks this morning. Pray that I can get my butt in gear and get at least three loads done today! Yes, I have more than three loads...lots more.
I honestly would rather get back in bed at this moment, but...yea, the show must go on.
The worst part of my day (mind you it's only 8:30) is this morning when I walked into the kitchen. You see, our dog, Kiki, has been having accidents in the house. I don't mean "tinkle" either (thank GOD for tiled floors). This is NOT like her...she NEVER does this, but has been for the last few days. Last night David said he thought there was blood in her stool, but I figured he didn't know what he was talking about. As I laid in bed last night I contemplated making our "indoor dog" an "outdoor dog", I can't have anyone or anything just using the potty in my floor...I just can't. Anyway, this morning I got up (late, remember?) and walked into the kitchen. I looked, and in about 3 or 4 spots, I saw this stuff in the kitchen floor. I wondered, "Who got grape jelly everywhere and didn't even bother to clean it up or at least tell me"? Upon closer inspection, I found it wasn't grape jelly, but Kiki had again gone potty in the floor...inside. As I went to clean it up, I realized that there is, indeed, blood in her stools. As of this moment, I am waiting on a call from the vet. I know this isn't a pleasant subject, but half the reason I'm telling you is to see if any of you have dealt with this before. Do any of you know what could be wrong with her? She hasn't been herself lately, and everything is coming together now, I just feel bad I didn't realize it sooner. So, I know she's just a dog, but say a prayer that she isn't in too much pain, and that this hasn't been going on for too long...and that it isn't anything the kids can catch, because they are all very close to her and constantly touching/petting/holding her.
Isabel wanted ramen noodles for breakfast this morning, and usually I would protest,knowing she needed something a little healthier, something with a little more substance... but this morning it sounded easy and given my current state of mind, I said Yes!
I hope this morning is not a header for this week, or else I will have to get on medication. For sure.
Of course, our Father is merciful, and even among all the chaos...blessings still abound, and I'm thankful.
I hope that the Lord blesses your week...
and I will try to get back later with updates on our dog and Izzy's haircut.
Feliz Lunes!
Hey sweet Katy,
Did you ever find my delicious taco ring recipe? You just can't go on without it, huh? :-)
Here's the link...
Your kiddos will thank me for it.
Melissa at Stretch Marks
hey...i want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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