I can tell it's Monday, for sure.
First, we woke up a late this morning and were scrambling to get out the door. Andrew forgot his coat, and it was in the 40's when we left for school...but it's supposed to warm up, so I think he'll be fine??!! I couldn't find Joseph's lunch box, so his lunch is packed in a Wal-Mart sack...nice, huh? I know, I know, way too classy for all you folks out there in "blog land"...LOL.
Isabel is going to have her hair cut today...I'll try to post before and after pics later on. She is 3 1/2 and her hair has been cut once and trimmed twice already. It is very long, and she has a lot, but it is also very fine and slinky...so you can't do much with it. It's breaking my heart to cut it, but it needs to be done for her sake (she hates getting it brushed), and if I don't take the plunge and do it now, I fear I may never do it!
I have so much laundry to do that it should be illegal, I'm serious, my boys put on their LAST pair of socks this morning. Pray that I can get my butt in gear and get at least three loads done today! Yes, I have more than three loads...lots more.
I honestly would rather get back in bed at this moment, but...yea, the show must go on.
The worst part of my day (mind you it's only 8:30) is this morning when I walked into the kitchen. You see, our dog, Kiki, has been having accidents in the house. I don't mean "tinkle" either (thank GOD for tiled floors). This is NOT like her...she NEVER does this, but has been for the last few days. Last night David said he thought there was blood in her stool, but I figured he didn't know what he was talking about. As I laid in bed last night I contemplated making our "indoor dog" an "outdoor dog", I can't have anyone or anything just using the potty in my floor...I just can't. Anyway, this morning I got up (late, remember?) and walked into the kitchen. I looked, and in about 3 or 4 spots, I saw this stuff in the kitchen floor. I wondered, "Who got grape jelly everywhere and didn't even bother to clean it up or at least tell me"? Upon closer inspection, I found it wasn't grape jelly, but Kiki had again gone potty in the floor...inside. As I went to clean it up, I realized that there is, indeed, blood in her stools. As of this moment, I am waiting on a call from the vet. I know this isn't a pleasant subject, but half the reason I'm telling you is to see if any of you have dealt with this before. Do any of you know what could be wrong with her? She hasn't been herself lately, and everything is coming together now, I just feel bad I didn't realize it sooner. So, I know she's just a dog, but say a prayer that she isn't in too much pain, and that this hasn't been going on for too long...and that it isn't anything the kids can catch, because they are all very close to her and constantly touching/petting/holding her.
Isabel wanted ramen noodles for breakfast this morning, and usually I would protest,knowing she needed something a little healthier, something with a little more substance... but this morning it sounded easy and given my current state of mind, I said Yes!
I hope this morning is not a header for this week, or else I will have to get on medication. For sure.
Of course, our Father is merciful, and even among all the chaos...blessings still abound, and I'm thankful.
I hope that the Lord blesses your week...
and I will try to get back later with updates on our dog and Izzy's haircut.
Feliz Lunes!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
yeahhhhh, ummmmmm......
So much for that three day in a row blog.
Honestly, I don't even know why I am blogging right now because I am totally exhausted. Life is always busy, but starting last Friday morning until this moment, I don't feel like I've even had the chance to breathe. It has been NON-Stop activity. Oh my, I am so tired.
I just read the update on my friend, Amy's, blog...and I am bummed. She is moving in less than three weeks. I will miss her so much. I am so thankful GOD let us cross paths when we did, I hope we will remain friends even after she moves. She has a good reason, so I will forgive her...but will miss her sooo much! Still, I pray GOD blesses her family in this move, and that many happy days are ahead for them. :-)
I did get to have some "girl time" yesterday morning...Thanks to all of you for dropping in, I enjoyed the great company, in my pj's and all. We need to do it again...soon. ;-)
I asked Izzy what she wanted to do tomorrow after I get done with the things I have to do...she said, "Ummm, I just need to stop by Wal-Mart for some pink fingernail polish and some gum". HaHaHa, whose child is this? Thank you GOD for my daughter, she never fails to bring a smile to my face each and every day (as do the rest of my boo's).
Though I can't imagine they will see this, I would like to give a shout out to my big cousin, Josh and his new wife, Heather! They are now husband and wife. I was bummed that I didn't get to fly to NY for the wedding, but I just finished going through tons of pictures online, and I have to say, it was SPECTACULAR! It looked like a beautiful, fabulous, fun wedding! Congrats you guys...wish I would have been there! Best wishes on your new life together!
My niece is starting Volleyball and I'm so excited. I have always been super close to them and love them almost as much as my very own <3. They don't get as many chances, choices, options, experiences, etc...as some kids, and I am so glad she is getting this chance. I think she is going to fabulous, and I can't wait to watch each and every game!!! I think it is so important to foster a child's desire to seek out their special talents. It is a proven fact that if kids are involved in extra-curricular activities (that they enjoy, are good at), the chances are better that their life will take a more positive path. I pray this is something she is great at, and excels in, and helps boost her self confidence.
Ok, so I am skipping from subject to subject, but as I write this, big "D" is watching "Dr. G, medical examiner"...I hear it in the background...can you say...depressing ?! Then again, I guess it isn't any worse than my addiction, The First 48!! I LOVE it! My other addiction, Jon & Kate plus 8! (Izzy watches it with me). Of course, other than that, I don't even care for TV.
Ok, hope everyone is having a great week :-) The weather is supposed to cool off quite a bit this week, and I am soo looking forward to it. I love the Fall..the cooler weather, the pretty leaves, the warm scents (I'm a sucker for 'em, too, Amy).
All my ninos just got in their jackets that I ordered online...and they look so cute! I am betting everyone is going to be out getting some warm clothing shopping done this weekend, unless they are better than me and have already done it (Hey, those of you close to me know I'm late with everything!). Ooooohhhh, or enjoying the Pumpkin Festival...that is always fun! We actually have a pool party to go to this weekend, How crazy is that???
Happy Fall,
be blessed!
Until next time...
Honestly, I don't even know why I am blogging right now because I am totally exhausted. Life is always busy, but starting last Friday morning until this moment, I don't feel like I've even had the chance to breathe. It has been NON-Stop activity. Oh my, I am so tired.
I just read the update on my friend, Amy's, blog...and I am bummed. She is moving in less than three weeks. I will miss her so much. I am so thankful GOD let us cross paths when we did, I hope we will remain friends even after she moves. She has a good reason, so I will forgive her...but will miss her sooo much! Still, I pray GOD blesses her family in this move, and that many happy days are ahead for them. :-)
I did get to have some "girl time" yesterday morning...Thanks to all of you for dropping in, I enjoyed the great company, in my pj's and all. We need to do it again...soon. ;-)
I asked Izzy what she wanted to do tomorrow after I get done with the things I have to do...she said, "Ummm, I just need to stop by Wal-Mart for some pink fingernail polish and some gum". HaHaHa, whose child is this? Thank you GOD for my daughter, she never fails to bring a smile to my face each and every day (as do the rest of my boo's).
Though I can't imagine they will see this, I would like to give a shout out to my big cousin, Josh and his new wife, Heather! They are now husband and wife. I was bummed that I didn't get to fly to NY for the wedding, but I just finished going through tons of pictures online, and I have to say, it was SPECTACULAR! It looked like a beautiful, fabulous, fun wedding! Congrats you guys...wish I would have been there! Best wishes on your new life together!
My niece is starting Volleyball and I'm so excited. I have always been super close to them and love them almost as much as my very own <3. They don't get as many chances, choices, options, experiences, etc...as some kids, and I am so glad she is getting this chance. I think she is going to fabulous, and I can't wait to watch each and every game!!! I think it is so important to foster a child's desire to seek out their special talents. It is a proven fact that if kids are involved in extra-curricular activities (that they enjoy, are good at), the chances are better that their life will take a more positive path. I pray this is something she is great at, and excels in, and helps boost her self confidence.
Ok, so I am skipping from subject to subject, but as I write this, big "D" is watching "Dr. G, medical examiner"...I hear it in the background...can you say...depressing ?! Then again, I guess it isn't any worse than my addiction, The First 48!! I LOVE it! My other addiction, Jon & Kate plus 8! (Izzy watches it with me). Of course, other than that, I don't even care for TV.
Ok, hope everyone is having a great week :-) The weather is supposed to cool off quite a bit this week, and I am soo looking forward to it. I love the Fall..the cooler weather, the pretty leaves, the warm scents (I'm a sucker for 'em, too, Amy).
All my ninos just got in their jackets that I ordered online...and they look so cute! I am betting everyone is going to be out getting some warm clothing shopping done this weekend, unless they are better than me and have already done it (Hey, those of you close to me know I'm late with everything!). Ooooohhhh, or enjoying the Pumpkin Festival...that is always fun! We actually have a pool party to go to this weekend, How crazy is that???
Happy Fall,
be blessed!
Until next time...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Catching up & more random
I am totally blogging two days in a row...about random stuff. Nothing important is going on right now, which is a good thing, I guess. So, for now, the random blogs will have to suffice :-)
Anyway, my boys are addicted to X-Box...I HATE it! If I had my way, we wouldn't even have one, but, David likes to play it, too. My rule is that they are not allowed to play during the week, when school is going on. So, by the weekend they are ready to get their fix. Isabel was with my dad over the weekend and got into her cousin's Lego's...she loved them. (This is going somewhere, keep reading) So, we ended up getting her a set and the boys wanted some as well. They all came right home with their sets and opened them up. All three of them played with their sets for hours. Isabel's were just basic Lego's, she would build and tear it apart, build and tear it apart. The boys had sets with directions they needed to follow to build specific things. Andrew and Joseph were in their room, GETTING ALONG, HELPING EACH OTHER, NOT PLAYING THE X-BOX...for HOURS. I kept going in checking on their progress...and I have to admit, it was the first time in a long time I had seem them really enjoy each other and what they were doing besides playing video games!
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!
Psalm 133:1
So, of course I had to take some pictures...
and you can't tell from here, but these are NOT easy, there are TONS of tiny parts!

Also, I am a little behind about this, but the boys got new furniture a couple weeks ago...a couple of you have already seen it, and though it arrived and we put it up, I am still not done with the room, so I will post those pics later on when I get the room completed...but here is a pic where they delivered it and for some reason off loaded it into my dad's truck (David & my dad's doing...didn't understand why)...
check out my "King of the hill"

Also! Last weekend we went to our niece's birthday party. She was turning two. Here is a shot I snapped of her (Kaydan) and Isabel eating snow cones...I hate to sound like a dorky mom...but shouldn't it be illegal to have this much cuteness in one place?

This past Friday I had arranged for all three of my kids to spend the night with their grandparents, David and I rarely get just adult time...I was so excited. We went out to dinner with my friend, Kristi, who I hardly ever get to see anymore. I really really enjoyed spending the time with adults only...and two of my favorite adults at that :-) But, about 10 o'clock the kids started calling and I was missing them, they wanted to come home. How could I say "No"? I couldn't, by midnight, they were all back home with us. Oh well, better luck next time, huh? We need out of town grandparents...LOL.
Church yesterday had a really good message, and Izzy finally stayed in her class so David and I could actually sit and listen to the sermon...maybe that is why I enjoyed it so much. I really really want to start helping out in the children's ministry there, but I have a really hard time committing to ANYTHING. I told someone the other day, I hate change, yet I hate commitment. She just laughed at me and asked, "How can that be"? I can't help it, I hate commitment. When I tell people that, they don't get it because David and I have been together and had our family so long, I tell them that is enough commitment for me, that's why I can't commit to anything else...hehe! So, pray for me that my heart and mind can truly be open to what direction GOD wants me to take with this, and not turn away because of the fear of ongoing responsibility.
Until my next blog (think I can do three in row??? guess we will have to see about that), I hope you all have a very blessed week, and you find time to truly seek out the Lord and just spend some time with Him.
Anyway, my boys are addicted to X-Box...I HATE it! If I had my way, we wouldn't even have one, but, David likes to play it, too. My rule is that they are not allowed to play during the week, when school is going on. So, by the weekend they are ready to get their fix. Isabel was with my dad over the weekend and got into her cousin's Lego's...she loved them. (This is going somewhere, keep reading) So, we ended up getting her a set and the boys wanted some as well. They all came right home with their sets and opened them up. All three of them played with their sets for hours. Isabel's were just basic Lego's, she would build and tear it apart, build and tear it apart. The boys had sets with directions they needed to follow to build specific things. Andrew and Joseph were in their room, GETTING ALONG, HELPING EACH OTHER, NOT PLAYING THE X-BOX...for HOURS. I kept going in checking on their progress...and I have to admit, it was the first time in a long time I had seem them really enjoy each other and what they were doing besides playing video games!
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!
Psalm 133:1
So, of course I had to take some pictures...
and you can't tell from here, but these are NOT easy, there are TONS of tiny parts!

Also, I am a little behind about this, but the boys got new furniture a couple weeks ago...a couple of you have already seen it, and though it arrived and we put it up, I am still not done with the room, so I will post those pics later on when I get the room completed...but here is a pic where they delivered it and for some reason off loaded it into my dad's truck (David & my dad's doing...didn't understand why)...
check out my "King of the hill"

Also! Last weekend we went to our niece's birthday party. She was turning two. Here is a shot I snapped of her (Kaydan) and Isabel eating snow cones...I hate to sound like a dorky mom...but shouldn't it be illegal to have this much cuteness in one place?

This past Friday I had arranged for all three of my kids to spend the night with their grandparents, David and I rarely get just adult time...I was so excited. We went out to dinner with my friend, Kristi, who I hardly ever get to see anymore. I really really enjoyed spending the time with adults only...and two of my favorite adults at that :-) But, about 10 o'clock the kids started calling and I was missing them, they wanted to come home. How could I say "No"? I couldn't, by midnight, they were all back home with us. Oh well, better luck next time, huh? We need out of town grandparents...LOL.
Church yesterday had a really good message, and Izzy finally stayed in her class so David and I could actually sit and listen to the sermon...maybe that is why I enjoyed it so much. I really really want to start helping out in the children's ministry there, but I have a really hard time committing to ANYTHING. I told someone the other day, I hate change, yet I hate commitment. She just laughed at me and asked, "How can that be"? I can't help it, I hate commitment. When I tell people that, they don't get it because David and I have been together and had our family so long, I tell them that is enough commitment for me, that's why I can't commit to anything else...hehe! So, pray for me that my heart and mind can truly be open to what direction GOD wants me to take with this, and not turn away because of the fear of ongoing responsibility.
Until my next blog (think I can do three in row??? guess we will have to see about that), I hope you all have a very blessed week, and you find time to truly seek out the Lord and just spend some time with Him.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Random...old photos
This is a totally random post...
I love looking through my photos. Today I spent about an hour going through some from a couple years ago...
check out the air Joseph & Andrew got one year at the art fair...

I love looking through them, it always shocks me to see how big they've gotten.
Although I truly miss Andrew & Joseph being babies, I long more for Isabel to be a baby than them...I guess for me it is more realistic because she is "the baby"...the shortest time has passed since she was a baby so it's easier for me to imagine her being in that stage again...
I look back at this precious face and I just melt! I need you guys to pray for me because after looking back at these, I'm pretty much in the mood to have another baby...I know, I've lost my mind. I am sure it will return to me once we get through baths and bedtimes tonight :-)
But as of this moment, I am longing for these times...

So, yeah, that's it for this post...old photos.
Hey, it might me a boring life, but it's MY life & I love it!
Have a Blessed week!
I love looking through my photos. Today I spent about an hour going through some from a couple years ago...
check out the air Joseph & Andrew got one year at the art fair...
I love looking through them, it always shocks me to see how big they've gotten.
Although I truly miss Andrew & Joseph being babies, I long more for Isabel to be a baby than them...I guess for me it is more realistic because she is "the baby"...the shortest time has passed since she was a baby so it's easier for me to imagine her being in that stage again...
I look back at this precious face and I just melt! I need you guys to pray for me because after looking back at these, I'm pretty much in the mood to have another baby...I know, I've lost my mind. I am sure it will return to me once we get through baths and bedtimes tonight :-)
But as of this moment, I am longing for these times...
So, yeah, that's it for this post...old photos.
Hey, it might me a boring life, but it's MY life & I love it!
Have a Blessed week!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The fruit & the learning season
So, I have come to the realization (with the help of some friends/mentors) that I am in a season of learning. I have been going through MANY different things, and life, in general has been rough. Now, I never want to forget to be thankful for my blessings, which abound, because I know full well that my "rough" could be another persons "easy". I know there are people that are much more less fortunate. But, this blog is about me...so I will continue (LOL)...
Anyway, I have been being tested in many areas of my life. I won't get into all the details, but everything was starting to seriously overwhelm me. One person I talked to reminded me about the Fruits of the Spirit.
Let refresh ourselves on them, shall we?
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Gal 5:22)
She said that GOD was trying to teach me about one of these, that I need to spend time praying, studying, and focusing on what GOD is trying to teach me.
She said if GOD is trying to teach me love, he will put an unlovable person in my life...etc, etc...
So basically, whatever He is trying to instill in us, he will confront us with the adverse. (did that make sense or did I say that in a funny way?)
So, as I sat back and looked at my life, I decided that GOD is trying to teach me MANY things right now, because as I said, there are many things going on in many areas of my life that are difficult right now.
I don't know exactly which Fruits, yet, that I am supposed to be concentrating on...but decided this wasn't just a short lesson, but a season of learning for me.
Of course, who knows how long GOD has been trying to get through to my thick skull, but the important thing now is that I have been refreshed in my eagerness to pursue what HE wants for me.
Though I have less and am going though more than I have in a long time...because I know GOD is working in me, I have more peace...I am more humble...more thankful.
It's a great feeling.
"Count it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
James 1:2-3
Amen to that!
So, I want to give it my all. I don't want to be the victim. I want to be the victor. Then, give God the glory for it all. I want to be loving and gracious, and kind, and forgiving to others, even when they don't deserve it, especially when they don't deserve it...because GOD showed me ALL of that, when I didn't deserve it. If he can extend his hand so lovingly, why can't I? I mean yes, HE is better than I am at all that, but, I owe it to HIM to at least try to follow His lead.
Truth is, we all fall short of the glory of GOD.
We will never measure up, but thankfully, it is enough for HIM to allow us into His light.
So, I just want to encourage you, wherever you are at in your life. Weather you are a strong, lifelong Christian, or you just got saved, weather your a Christian but don't study the Bible or attend church, or even if you don't know GOD at all...wherever you are at in your walk...I want to encourage you to get to know HIM more. He has great plans for us if we will just open our hearts to Him. This world and the things in it are not all we have (thank goodness), we are working towards a much greater goal...Heaven. The thing is, we really don't have to work, we just have to give our lives to Him, and let Him do the work.
Whatever GOD is trying to teach you, in your life, allow HIM in...fully. Not just on Sundays, or the during the week, or when you feel like it, when your not stressed out...allow HIM to be in your life fully, at all times. You will be the one to benefit from it, He has your best interest at heart.
Dear GOD, we come to you humbled. We know that we get caught up in the day to day things, and can get overwhelmed at times. We often get our priorities mixed up, & forget what is important...sometimes only looking to satisfy our own needs. There are times we just want what we want, never even caring if it is what YOU want for us. Please forgive us.
Help us to only go after the things you want for us, and to not try and attain what is not meant to be ours.
Please teach us and mold us into better Christians, better servants. Help us to truly live our lives according to the Fruit of the Spirit...with love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. Help us to improve daily according to those qualities. Without you, we are hopeless, lost in the complete chaos of this world. We need you to be by our side, constantly showing us the way to go. Thank you for never leaving us. Help us to put our hope and our faith completely in you. Help us to receive what you are offering us...which is well beyond what we deserve.
We ask these things in your Holy Name, Amen.
I hope that if you are in a season of learning, your heart and your mind are open and ready to receive. If you are not in that season, I pray you are able to just sit back and be thankful and revel in what He has done for you. Wherever you are at, whatever season you are in, I pray you are blessed daily.
Have a happy day!
Anyway, I have been being tested in many areas of my life. I won't get into all the details, but everything was starting to seriously overwhelm me. One person I talked to reminded me about the Fruits of the Spirit.
Let refresh ourselves on them, shall we?
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Gal 5:22)
She said that GOD was trying to teach me about one of these, that I need to spend time praying, studying, and focusing on what GOD is trying to teach me.
She said if GOD is trying to teach me love, he will put an unlovable person in my life...etc, etc...
So basically, whatever He is trying to instill in us, he will confront us with the adverse. (did that make sense or did I say that in a funny way?)
So, as I sat back and looked at my life, I decided that GOD is trying to teach me MANY things right now, because as I said, there are many things going on in many areas of my life that are difficult right now.
I don't know exactly which Fruits, yet, that I am supposed to be concentrating on...but decided this wasn't just a short lesson, but a season of learning for me.
Of course, who knows how long GOD has been trying to get through to my thick skull, but the important thing now is that I have been refreshed in my eagerness to pursue what HE wants for me.
Though I have less and am going though more than I have in a long time...because I know GOD is working in me, I have more peace...I am more humble...more thankful.
It's a great feeling.
"Count it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
James 1:2-3
Amen to that!
So, I want to give it my all. I don't want to be the victim. I want to be the victor. Then, give God the glory for it all. I want to be loving and gracious, and kind, and forgiving to others, even when they don't deserve it, especially when they don't deserve it...because GOD showed me ALL of that, when I didn't deserve it. If he can extend his hand so lovingly, why can't I? I mean yes, HE is better than I am at all that, but, I owe it to HIM to at least try to follow His lead.
Truth is, we all fall short of the glory of GOD.
We will never measure up, but thankfully, it is enough for HIM to allow us into His light.
So, I just want to encourage you, wherever you are at in your life. Weather you are a strong, lifelong Christian, or you just got saved, weather your a Christian but don't study the Bible or attend church, or even if you don't know GOD at all...wherever you are at in your walk...I want to encourage you to get to know HIM more. He has great plans for us if we will just open our hearts to Him. This world and the things in it are not all we have (thank goodness), we are working towards a much greater goal...Heaven. The thing is, we really don't have to work, we just have to give our lives to Him, and let Him do the work.
Whatever GOD is trying to teach you, in your life, allow HIM in...fully. Not just on Sundays, or the during the week, or when you feel like it, when your not stressed out...allow HIM to be in your life fully, at all times. You will be the one to benefit from it, He has your best interest at heart.
Dear GOD, we come to you humbled. We know that we get caught up in the day to day things, and can get overwhelmed at times. We often get our priorities mixed up, & forget what is important...sometimes only looking to satisfy our own needs. There are times we just want what we want, never even caring if it is what YOU want for us. Please forgive us.
Help us to only go after the things you want for us, and to not try and attain what is not meant to be ours.
Please teach us and mold us into better Christians, better servants. Help us to truly live our lives according to the Fruit of the Spirit...with love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. Help us to improve daily according to those qualities. Without you, we are hopeless, lost in the complete chaos of this world. We need you to be by our side, constantly showing us the way to go. Thank you for never leaving us. Help us to put our hope and our faith completely in you. Help us to receive what you are offering us...which is well beyond what we deserve.
We ask these things in your Holy Name, Amen.
I hope that if you are in a season of learning, your heart and your mind are open and ready to receive. If you are not in that season, I pray you are able to just sit back and be thankful and revel in what He has done for you. Wherever you are at, whatever season you are in, I pray you are blessed daily.
Have a happy day!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Growth, pants, bdays...
David and I were both "smaller" people growing up...I guess "petite" would be a better word. AKA, we are both short. Even though we used to be petite in weight as well, that's really not the case anymore. Because of our small builds, all three of our children have tended to be on the smaller side of average. That is fine with me, except when it comes to buying cloths...pants to be exact. Shopping for pants = total headache. I have to buy slim sizes for the boys...do you know how hard it is to find slim sizes in a small town? Pretty hard. Of course, a lot of brands now have adjustable waist, but when Andrew was younger, only Gap had that feature and those were the ONLY pants we could buy. Since then, everyone else has jumped on the bandwagon, so it's a little easier these days. So anyway, I usually end up ordering from online because I can do it in the comfort of my own home and there are so many options.
Anyway, like most, we took the kids shopping when school started. Joseph still fit in his shorts/pants from last year (actually they were bigger on him??? What's that about?), but Andrew had grown over the Summer and we had to get him a bigger size. That was the end of August. Fast-forward to now, about 6 weeks later. He has outgrown his NEW jeans! Mind you, he's only worn them a couple times each, because it's still short weather around here. Now usually I would want Abercrombie or Gap jeans for him, just because they "look" better on him and they have better selection of washes/colors. But since we JUST bought new jeans/pants and already have to get bigger sizes, I felt it was in my best interest to go to Old Navy because they were cheaper and if he is in a growth spurt I may be buying yet another bigger size before long. I got on the Old Navy site and was soooo excited...the jeans he wanted were $16.50!!! Can I get an Amen?! Ok, hold your Amen...
When I went to get his size...14 slim...well, there was no 14 slim. Their slim sizes only go up to 12 slim. What? ridiculous. I guess you can only be skinny if you are 12 and under. Now, log on to Gap website...they HAVE 14 slim...at double the cost. Granted, still not too expensive for jeans, but again, given the current situation I am trying to go cheap cheap cheap. From what I understand Gap and Old Navy are owned by the same company, so why don't they BOTH carry 14 slim??? I object!
Anyhoo, looks like I am back to shopping at Gap only for the big A. Again, I LOVE Gap, but I also love choices and options. If anyone has a place where I can get decent jeans at a decent price in his size, fill a sista in.
On another note, our niece, Kaydan, just turned two! They are having her party this weekend, but she just had her actual birthday on Sept. 30th. For any of you with kids, you know how fast they grow. It's something I talk about often here on my blog, because it really does kill me how fast time flies. I honestly can NOT believe that Kaydan is 2! It feels like Kayla should still be pregnant, with little Kaydan in her tummy. I just want to say also, that Kayla and Daniel are very good parents. I love my brother in law, and my sister in law and my precious niece that he has brought into this family...they are such a blessing to us and I am thankful for their little family. Happy Birthday Kaydan Valencia!!!
Luv 2 u all,
PS...from my Power of a Praying Parent devotional...it's on another subject than jeans, and b-days...but I liked it...
"If there is any work of the Enemy in my family's past that seeks to encroach upon the life of my child, I break it now by the power and authority given in Jesus Christ."
AMEN to that!
Anyway, like most, we took the kids shopping when school started. Joseph still fit in his shorts/pants from last year (actually they were bigger on him??? What's that about?), but Andrew had grown over the Summer and we had to get him a bigger size. That was the end of August. Fast-forward to now, about 6 weeks later. He has outgrown his NEW jeans! Mind you, he's only worn them a couple times each, because it's still short weather around here. Now usually I would want Abercrombie or Gap jeans for him, just because they "look" better on him and they have better selection of washes/colors. But since we JUST bought new jeans/pants and already have to get bigger sizes, I felt it was in my best interest to go to Old Navy because they were cheaper and if he is in a growth spurt I may be buying yet another bigger size before long. I got on the Old Navy site and was soooo excited...the jeans he wanted were $16.50!!! Can I get an Amen?! Ok, hold your Amen...
When I went to get his size...14 slim...well, there was no 14 slim. Their slim sizes only go up to 12 slim. What? ridiculous. I guess you can only be skinny if you are 12 and under. Now, log on to Gap website...they HAVE 14 slim...at double the cost. Granted, still not too expensive for jeans, but again, given the current situation I am trying to go cheap cheap cheap. From what I understand Gap and Old Navy are owned by the same company, so why don't they BOTH carry 14 slim??? I object!
Anyhoo, looks like I am back to shopping at Gap only for the big A. Again, I LOVE Gap, but I also love choices and options. If anyone has a place where I can get decent jeans at a decent price in his size, fill a sista in.
On another note, our niece, Kaydan, just turned two! They are having her party this weekend, but she just had her actual birthday on Sept. 30th. For any of you with kids, you know how fast they grow. It's something I talk about often here on my blog, because it really does kill me how fast time flies. I honestly can NOT believe that Kaydan is 2! It feels like Kayla should still be pregnant, with little Kaydan in her tummy. I just want to say also, that Kayla and Daniel are very good parents. I love my brother in law, and my sister in law and my precious niece that he has brought into this family...they are such a blessing to us and I am thankful for their little family. Happy Birthday Kaydan Valencia!!!
Luv 2 u all,
PS...from my Power of a Praying Parent devotional...it's on another subject than jeans, and b-days...but I liked it...
"If there is any work of the Enemy in my family's past that seeks to encroach upon the life of my child, I break it now by the power and authority given in Jesus Christ."
AMEN to that!
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