Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
We are going to church, then my extended family is going to gather at my house and we are going to cook out (rain or shine!)and visit. It's not a fancy celebration, but it sounds good to me. And honestly, even though I am a mom, and it's Mother's Day, celebrating myself, or even my own mother, is not what I am thinking about.

(Though...let it be said that I do have a beautiful, awesome mother who I am VERY thankful the Lord blessed me with...)

I think about the people I know, or even just read/hear about, who have very sick children, or children who are in a really bad place, & especially those who have lost their children. My heart just breaks for those families, those mothers.
I. can't. imagine.
Honestly, I don't want to imagine.
I think about those who have lost their mother's as well, and my heart goes do you get used to life without a mother? Sure, you learn to cope, and life goes on, but I would have to imagine that you always have a still, small hole, permanently scarring your heart...
So, tomorrow, instead of worrying about how my day will go, or what my family will do for me, or what gifts I will get...I am just going to be thankful that I am a mother...that my children are healthy and here with me and safe...and that I have my mother here with me, still.
I am going to say a special prayer for those that are hurting, for any reason. I am going to pray that these mothers & children can somehow find healing, peace, and comfort in their hearts.
So, weather you get a hand drawn picture, or a vacation to the Bahamas...let's take a minute to be thankful for what we've got and remember those who are in a much harder place than us...
Happy Mother's Day to you all...
& to my own, very precious mother...
& to my grandmothers in Heaven...

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