Monday, August 31, 2009

Threshing Floor

To thresh is to separate the grain from the straw or husks by mechanical beating, with a flail or machinery (web definition).
I did some reading on references to the threshing floor in the Bible. There is some good information here, if you want to read more about it.
The reason I bring all this up, is because the last couple years of my life have seemed like a constant learning process. It seems like I remember life being much easier before this season of my life. I have been a Christian since I was young, but a little over three years ago, my family found a home church, and my faith in God began to grow like wildfire. My relationship with Him is more than I ever thought it could be. So, I have to wonder why, as I grow closer go God, does my life get more complicated. I have come up with two possibilities. #1 Somehow I am not trusting God as much as I think I am, and I am bringing it upon myself or #2 The devil is really working to destroy the bond I have with my Father. I'm not sure which of these it is, but I feel like it may possibly be a combination of both?!
Anyway, i used to be a "drama-free" type girl, but lately, it seems to follow me everywhere.
Philippians 4:13 tells us that with God, ALL things are possible. Not some. But ALL things. So, focusing on this scripture, I realize that it is possible to leave the worry, trouble, stress, and yes, even drama, behind. Hard to do? Yes! Hard to know how to let it go? Yes! But is is possible to do this? Absolutely! Because God is on my side. A new CD I have been listening to says, "We will not fear, Lord...We hope in Your Name". So, today I am turning over a new leaf. I am not going to fear, well, I'm going to try my very best not to fear, I'm going to do the best I can to put my hope in Him. I am going to lay myself on the threshing floor, a holy place, and allow Him to get rid of "the bad, the ugly, the flawed" in me...allow Him to make me better, more faithful, more like Him.
I learned a long time ago that happiness is a choice, not brought by someone or something. I think I stopped making that choice a while back, but I am thankful to be reminded of this and to have another chance to try again. So, not only will I sacrifice myself on the threshing floor, for the Lord to take care of me, but I will do it with happiness and joy in my heart, knowing I have absolutely nothing on this earth to fear. Nothing.
I have to tell you, having nothing to fear, is an amazing feeling.
Thank you, Lord, for this chance.

1 comment:

sara grace said...

i love you and am always encouraged by your amazing faith...
much love mi prima