Well, this is what showed up on our back patio...
I know...rude right? I definitely did not invite them, David said he didn't, and I know none of the kids asked them over to play. They didn't bring a gift, they just moved right in and are buzzing around everywhere...we can't even use the patio!
What ever happened to manners and class, and respect for others for that matter?
Anyway, I've told David he must make them leave. I don't care if he has to use poison, a baseball bat, or what...it's his JOB to get rid of them. I know, it probably sounds a bit harsh. But, I'm not too keen on the idea of letting guests stay when they have stingers sticking out of their backsides. So, call me an animal hater, or even an ungracious host...but these uninvited guests are going DOWN! Wish us luck (or David, since he's the one having to deal with them)! I know we should love all God's creatures, but what can I say? I'm a work in progress...
Did he get them gone?
He did get rid of them!!! Yay
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