Friday, December 11, 2009


So it's not quite Christmas, and here I am blogging about New Year's...well, kind of. I am talking about "resolutions". Quite honestly, the word has always kind of freaked me out. I mean, it just sounds like I'm setting myself up for failure even saying the word. I mean, I get why people make them, duh...especially at the start of a New Year, a new year, a new start, out with the old, in with the new...I get it. I do. But. It seems like the resolutions are always such a big feat, and within a month we are right back where we started, we want to change for the better, but never really set up how we are going to accomplish those goals.
Anyhoo...I am normally NOT a resolution maker. It's just not my thing. (Not that there aren't MANY things I need to change for the better in my life...just sayin').
But here's the deal. I'm working with an ADHD mind. It's not easy. I can't, for the life of me, get things organized, or make a schedule (and stick to it anyway), etc. I'm sick of it, but what's a girl to do? EVERY single morning, I'm nagging the kids, "Let's go, Let's go, we are late"! I am late everywhere I go. I don't want to be, I don't like to be, I think it's rude and irresponsible, and I'm teaching that bad habit to my kids. Not cool. I just don't know how to do it any other way. It seems no matter how early I get up, allow for more time, etc, it just doesn't work out for me. School mornings are not the only time, is always! I'm forever forgetting stuff, having to turn around, go back, do one more thing. Anyway, let me get to my point here...
I am going to make a resolution this New Year. I'm gonna do it. I'm a little scared. Actually, I'm a lot scared, of failure. But since spending some time thinking about it...if I do fail, and I do end up right back where I started, will it really hurt anything? Hopefully not?! So, I am going to start dreaming and scheming on how to get this time thing, among some of my other "issues" figured out. I know it's going to involve scheduling LESS...period. Less activities, less commitments, etc. Also, I am going to need to allow more time for each thing. I know, I know, some of you (out of the 5 people reading this) are thinking, "Why doesn't she just do it...what's so hard"? Well, people, for me, it just is. I don't know how to make you understand it, but that's just the way I tic. So, I am going to be doing some serious thinking over the next couple weeks. I really want this next year to be a little more peaceful, not as fast paced, I want to enjoy it, relish it a little more. I want to be on time, without earning a gray hair every time (not that I have any gray hairs, because I don't...I'm just sayin'). So, this is going to be my resolution, I figure I better start figuring out a plan for success now, and I'm prompting you to do the same. Although, most of you don't have crazy minds like mine, surely there is something you want to do differently? So, there it is. You've been warned. The time is now and the place is here! Get busy people. :-)