Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas time

I LOVE the holidays, it just seems like (most) people are more merry, people are nicer to each other, you (usually) get to spend more time with fame and friends. Even though there are loved ones I miss, I love spending time with the ones I am blessed to do so with. I think about past kids just keep growing and growing. We have our tree up...we are missing a topper and we need to buy a few more ornaments (some have broken over the past couple of years and we need to "fill back up"). Our dog, KiKi, has made her new home under the tree, like she does every other year. I found a couple of photos from Christmas past, that made me fight back the tears, thinking about how incredibly fast time flies...
How sweet were they? Take note, in the first pic you can not see the custom Dora Christmas overalls that Izzy had on...yes, I was one sick mom LOL
Who cares if the bows were bigger than her head, she's my baby! Oh how I miss these days!
This picture is HILARIOUS to me...first, no, I didn't edit the red eye, that adds to the ridiculousness of the photo. Second, the guy in the red suit is the guy my brother takes care of, he's so funny, a good guy, he insisted on being in the photo. Third, my niece, who David is holding...the look on her face is CRAZY...she has the "deer in the headlight" look down!
And our tree this year, minus the topper and a few more ornaments we need to add...This tree is really quite big, I am hoping to get a tall, skinny tree to replace it next year...our ceiling in the living room is tall and I want a skinnier room to take up less space.
Anyway, I am off to do some Christmas shopping, no I'm not finished, and yes, my goal for next year is to be finished by this time. Happy Holidays!

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