A few weeks back, my sweet friend, Melissa, invited us out to her in-laws barn/land to see some new colts. Except for Andrew, Isabel and Joseph have never really been in this kind of environment...and they loved it. The weather was perfect that day, everyone was in a good mood, and it was a great time! The horses were beautiful, and the baby colts were adorable. My favorite was when this HUGE horse (forgot his name) kept reaching his nose/mouth through the gate and unlatching it, he wanted to come out and play! Fortunately, they knew this horse like to do that, and they had it wired shut so he couldn't get out. They said that a while back, not only did he let himself out, but opened another horses pin as well, and they went off gallivanting around. I got a kick out of that. Anyway, here are some pics from the day...

Such fun...and they finally got to put their boots that their Mimi got them for Christmas to good use!
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