Thursday, April 1, 2010

So, today I was purchasing stuff for the kids' Easter basket. As I stood in the checkout line, I thought to myself, "how did it come to this". Easter is my favorite holiday. Jesus dies for our sins, he took our wretched place, and he did it gladly, without bragging or "look what I'm doing for you"...I think He felt/feels a true compassion and love for us. No, I know He does. He loves us. He loves me. He loves my children. He loves my parents. He loves people I do not love. He loves the unlovable. He is good, and perfect. So, Easter is to celebrate the amazing thing Jesus did for us, to remember He died on the cross, and He rose three days later. He rose from the grave, for us. So, as I was purchasing the candy and trinkets, I felt ashamed. The same way I feel at Christmas when I'm buying gifts. It's not that I think Jesus really cares if we fill an Easter basket for our kids, or buy gifts at Christmas, because I don't think He does. What bothers me, is I think most people, including myself, place more emphasis on the gift part, than the important part, the real part, the God part. Sure, we talk about Jesus' birth, and Him dying for our sins, but most of those holidays are spent doing "human" stuff. I am ashamed that I fall in with the crowds when it comes to this. I want to honor and worship Him, and let the gifts and goodies be a side note, instead of the opposite. I will continue to fill baskets and stockings, unless I am otherwise convicted at a later date, but I will also put even MORE emphasis on what Jesus has done for us, and continues to do daily. Because of Him, my children, my loved ones, and myself have a spot in Heaven that is ready for the taking, all we have to do is open our hearts. Happy Easter to all!

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