How just when he falls into a deep sleep he lets out a sweet sigh
His toothless, gummy grin, complete with dimples
When his eyes search my face and then lock onto my own eyes
The way he sucks and sucks on his paci until he is so tired that it just falls out of his mouth
When he is asleep on my chest
How he still "roots" when he is next to me
His perfect little toes and fingers
How he likes his hair being washed
His coos (he is really trying to say something, ya know)
The way he smells
The way his face lights up when his siblings are entertaining him
Just holding him next to me
Just the fact that he's mine....
These are just a FEW of the things I love about our newest addition, and as you can see I'm not quite as spent as I was with my last post :-)

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