Also, this past week, Blake got his first pair of shoes. Well, actually they are not the first pair we got for him, but they are the first pair he has worn. Joseph put them on him, and they were soooo cute. Needless to say, he kicked them off about a minute later.

And, for good measure I had to throw in these last two pictures. Blake makes this face all the time, and it reminds me of a bird. I think it looks hilarious when he does his mouth like this...Blake Birdy :)

We also finally found a bathtub seat. Who knew they were so hard to find these days...then again, maybe that was just me who had trouble. It's about like his Bumbo...he really likes it for about 10 minutes...but he's not strong enough to sit in it any longer than that. Still, I see plenty of use for BOTH of those in our future :)

Hi Katy, My name is Mick, I am a 28 year old Aussie who lives in Bogota, Colombia. My family comes from a Catholic background but since my time here in Colombia, God has put the right people in my life and I am now a Christian.
It was deffinetly the work of Jesus Christ to guide me to your page as I was lookng at my blog and just for fun hit the "next blog button" to have a look, and here was yours.
My girlfriend and myself had been looking for a verse which best described how we want to serve god together. We want to be an example of the love two Christians can have together, we want to show people who are lacking Christ what they can have if they accept Him...I loved the verse God put in your heart to put in your blog : John 13-34-35.
Well I just wanted to share this with you, 6 months ago I would have said what a coinsedence... now I know these things do not exist.
Thank you, god bless you and your family.
Mick...definitely God's purpose! :) I'm so glad you have accepted Jesus Christ...we may never meet on Earth, but will in Heaven one day!
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