A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.
I am finally getting around to doing my sweet Isabel Grace's birthday post! I cannot believe my precious baby girl just turned 6 years old. Wow.
Before getting pregnant with her, I had been on the patch for birth control. I am used to getting migraines, but they got very bad while on the patch. My doctor told me I should take the patch off and see if my headaches got better. I was afraid to be off birth control, so I said no to his suggestion. That night, my patch fell off in the shower, I took it as a sign since it had never fallen off before. I decided since it fell off on it's own, I would wait before putting another one on and see how my headaches were. They improved, so almost a month later I went to get on another form of birth control. Not only did I think the patch was still in my system, but I also though my hubby and I were being extra safe (without too many details). So, I decided on the shot, but had to take a p.t. test first. I wasn't' even concerned about it being positive, until the nurse said, "You're pregnant". I seriously felt immediately dizzy. I was 25 and we already had two boys. I did NOT want to be pregnant. I remember them asking me, "Mam? Mam? Are you ok?" They said I turned completely white. It took a bit for the shock to wear off, but it did, and I got excited about our new little one to be. I had never wanted a baby girl...when I got pregnant with Andrew I wanted a boy, that's what I got. When I got pregnant with Joseph, I wanted a boy and got my wish again. I was going to get my tubes tied after Joseph, but David talked me out of it somehow. Though I never wanted a girl previously, when I got pregnant this time, I almost immediately had the desire in my heart for a girl. I'm ashamed to say that I had never prayed about anything else so fervently, "God, The most important thing is this baby's health. I pray it is completely healthy. I know the sex of this baby is not important, but Please, PLEASE let it be a girl, Please, Lord. Unless you know a reason that this HAS to be a boy, Please give me a baby girl." I prayed THAT prayer every single day, sometimes more, until we found out the sex. I remember the day our doctor said, "I'm 93 percent sure it's a girl". I told him I was going to pretend he didn't say that, that I didn't want to hear it until he said it was 100 percent. So, on our next sono appt, he said he was 99 percent sure, I decided I would take it. I was so amazed that God cared about not only what I needed, but about what I desired. I know it could only be a boy or girl, my chances were 50/50, either way, but I have NO doubt God gave me the desires of my heart with Isabel. Psalm 37:4 says "Take delight in the Lord,and he will give you your heart’s desires." So, on February 9th I went in for an induction. My labor was so short with baby girl, that I ALMOST didn't get my epidural. She arrived with a head full of silky black hair, that never fell out, and has continued to grow at the speed of light to this day! She had the most beautiful complexion...she looked like a tiny angel. I will say, her ears and forehead were covered in hair, which kind of freaked me out, but thankfully, that hair DID fall out. And, I can't lie, I definitely see eyebrow waxing in her future. But, she is the most beautiful, sweet spirit. She is very shy. She adores her brothers. She is my lone ally in a house FULL of boys. I pray her father and I raise her, along with her brothers, according to God's will. I can't wait to see the future He has planned for her, well...I can wait a little while.

Ok, Ok...a tad bit of picture overload...it's ok, It's her birthday! :)
So sweet! I just love her! Happy Birthday to Izzy!!! She is SO beautiful!
Your daughter is precious and happy birthday to her.
I hope you don't find this strange, but I just started my blog and I am hoping to gain readers. I am hoping that by writing this blog God will begin to reach out to those in need of His grace and His guidance. So please stop by sometime if you have a chance. aspponfulofsugarwithadashoftruth.blogspot.com
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