Monday, April 18, 2011

Circus pictures

We went to the Circus when it came to town last month. We didn't go last year, and I'm not sure about the year before. Honestly, it's usually pretty expensive, and about halfway through, the kids are always ready to go. Kids are too hard to entertain these days! Plus, it comes to us usually during our "rainy part of the year" and it's almost always a mess! This year the weather was PERFECT. The kids had a blast. Besides my back pain, which has all but gone away now, we had an awesome time. Here are a few pictures my dad took.

These guys were very cool...they slipped a couple of times, good thing for the safety net!

Something about these huge animals sitting there in such a dainty pose, LOL, I found it really entertaining...

My girl riding an elephant (her 2 cousins were on there, too) during the break...

This guy was INSANE. Too hard to tell from the picture how small the box was and how he just folded himself up like taffy and got inside of it..eek! It amazes me enough when women do it, the fact that this guy could do it was crazy...

Pretty elephants and women dressed up...loved the butterfly wings!

Th-Th-Th-That's all folks!