Monday, May 30, 2011

My desire...

I'm sure the title of this post is a little dramatic. Anyway. I guess if we are all honest with ourselves, we always have something to work on, always a way that we can improve our life, become better people. The fact that I am a Christian has a LOT to do with that. I want to be better not just for myself, or my family, but for my Father. My desire is to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Look it up if you don't know it.
The woman sounds too good to be true. I know in my heart I will NEVER be that woman, but that doesn't mean I can't desire to be that woman. It doesn't mean I shouldn't pray about and try to be that woman. When I am really honest with myself, I know I fall short as a Mother and Wife. I always feel like my husband and kids deserve better. Not because they are perfect. But because that is my personal conviction.
I love the Lord. I want to honor and obey Him. I know if He were sitting here with me, He would tell me the truth, that I have much room for improvement. The thing is, I am your typical female. At least I guess I am. Some days I feel like I fare pretty well. Others I know I don't. Some days I put on love so well, that I feel like I could overcome the world. Other days I wallow in self pity. Only, is this typical? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's my analytical nature. Maybe it's my ADHD. I jump from here to there, and back.
It's confusing, it's not be always knowing I should be more. Then again, when I do put forth the effort, I know God notices. That IS worth it.
Do you follow? Maybe not.
I desire to be the woman who forever has her family's best interest at heart. And, for the most part, I do. But I definitely have my selfish moments, too. I don't want to have selfish moments. The proverbs 31 woman works herself to the bone, but never complains. She's a stay at home Mom, but she's "earning" for her family. She makes the most of what they have, instead of complaining to her hard working husband about how badly she wants a vacation, or even just a break, or...cute new shoes. She is wise. She is noble. Her husband praises her...and her children call her blessed. FYI, my children have never called me "blessed"...just sayin'.
So, to be a Proverbs 31 woman is my desire. I would say it's my biggest desire as far as Earthly things go. Anyway, there you have it, blog world.

Oh, and it's Memorial Day! Thank you US service men and ROCK. May the Lord God bless you and keep you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

End of the school year

Today I went through my kids "Monday folders" for the last time this year. Their Monday folders come home every Monday with graded papers, weekly reports, citizenship info, newsletters, etc. They have four more days of school left. Then, Summer Break. I am SO excited! The one thing I am sad about is that they are getting so old. I mean, I'm happy they are healthy, thriving children...growing like they are supposed just seems like the months/years are racing by. Ok, actually there are TWO things I'm sad about...the other is that we don't get a "vacation". this Summer. Because of the changes in David's job, he won't get any PTO this year. Hopefully, next year, if things go as planned, he will be back to his three weeks of PTO and we can take a super fun family trip. I hate that the kids work so hard all year, and now we do get to go anywhere while they are out of school. But, we will do a couple of short, closer to home trips, I'm sure. They all did great on their test scores and qualified for flex week. So they will get out two weeks earlier than those who didn't.

I think this year flew by even faster, for me, because of baby Blake. I am always So busy with him that it seems I never have enough time to focus on the three older children. I feel like my mothering skills have gone down the tube with those three. It breaks my heart, but right now I don't know how to fix it. So, here we are at the end of another year.

When school starts back up in August I will have a Kindergartner (Isabel did Kindergarten this year, but her Dad and I decided for maturity purposes it would be best to have her do Kinder again), a 5th grader, and...a high schooler! I know I was young when I had Andrew, but seriously, how can I have a high schooler? 9th grade! In a few months he will take Drivers Education. Eek. Ok, that's a whole 'nother post. Later Folks. Have fun ringing in the Summer!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Random/8 months

I realize that 90% of the pictures on my blog are of baby boy, but what can I say...he lets me photograph him, and the others rarely do. Plus, we spend ALLLLL day together while the others are at school. Anyway, just a few random pictures.

Two of my handsome boys playing in the highchair times.

and a picture of baby B asleep, with his hiney in the it!

and a picture of baby B and my arm me. He was 7 months here (though he's 8 mo. now)and it's hard to see but he had on a Smurf's shirt! Who doesn't love a 7 month old? Who doesn't love a Smurf's tee? Who doesn't love a 7 month old IN a Smurf's tee? Something is just wrong with you if you don't. You know he's handsome.

Also, can't believe sweet baby boy is now 8 months (as of a few days ago).
*His newest achievement is pulling up. I now have to MAKE sure I put the side of the crib up (Yes, we have that kind, it was the same one that Joseph and Isabel used :)
*He is crawling around like no body's business
*He can get into sitting position all by himself and stay there as long as he wants
*He is still taking Similac Sensitive, along with just about every type of baby food we find, he LOVES to eat. That's my boy! He likes the puffs and the cookies snacks, and the freeze dried yogurt he does pretty good with. His absolute favorite is the Yo Baby blueberry yogurt. I can barely feed it to him fast enough!
*He LOOOOVES to put stuff in his mouth...our other three were always pretty good about this, they didn't put TOO much in their mouths, but with Blake...everything is straight to the mouth. UGH. The other day he had a penny in his mouth. I almost died. Seriously. :(
*He still adores his siblings...ADORES them. His face lights up even at the sight of their picture. And, I think it's safe to say the feeling is mutual with all of them.
*If he's not asleep, he is in CONSTANT movement
*He is just a couple ounces away from 20 pounds. Time to switch to a convertible car seat.
*He loves, loves, loves taking a bath, he just hates having his hair washed
*He USUALLY sleeps all night in his crib. We lay him down about 8pm, and he just goes to sleep. Sometimes he wakes up once, and I give him a bottle in his crib. He goes right back to sleep.
*He is a very happy, pleasant baby...and we love him!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The (hair) story of Blake

Here are a few pictures to show the funny story of Blake's hair :) Sorry the middle image is much better than the others (my dad took that one and has a much better camera/picture skills!)
In the first one, he is just about a week old. Not the most hair ever, but definitely a fair amount for a newborn.
After a few weeks, he starts having less hair, I can tell some spots are being rubbed off.
By the time he was 4 months, in the second picture, he was just short of totally bald.
The last picture is @ 7 months. It has all grown back in and then some. Now he's 8 months, and his the hair over his ears and forehead are kind of, ummm, stringy, maybe? I am tempted to trim it up. But, I don't want to cut it just yet.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Snaggle tooth

Our one and only daughter, Isabel, lost her first tooth this past weekend. It has been loose for quite a while. Then, the other day, while a neighbor was talking with us, she walked up to us and said, "Here, pull it out." She had a roll of string in her hand. This. girl. meant. business. I would have never asked for my tooth to be pulled out with a string. Then again, I didn't have three brothers (though I did have one :). We tried and tried, but couldn't get the string to stay around her little tooth. The neighbor tried, but actually just grabbed her tooth and pulled it out. I was sad for a moment that her Dad or I weren't one of the ones to actually pull it out, but after seeing the HUGE smile on her face, I realized it was a fun story for her and either way we were right there. She was SO proud. She put it under her pillow and the tooth fairy came to see her. She is convinced she is going to buy a toy giraffe, like Lola, a character in one of her books. I thought it was kind of neat that Andrew lost his first tooth at 4, Joseph at 5, and now Isabel at 6. Isabel already has another loose tooth. Anyway, here is a picture of our new little snaggle tooth!