Monday, May 23, 2011

End of the school year

Today I went through my kids "Monday folders" for the last time this year. Their Monday folders come home every Monday with graded papers, weekly reports, citizenship info, newsletters, etc. They have four more days of school left. Then, Summer Break. I am SO excited! The one thing I am sad about is that they are getting so old. I mean, I'm happy they are healthy, thriving children...growing like they are supposed just seems like the months/years are racing by. Ok, actually there are TWO things I'm sad about...the other is that we don't get a "vacation". this Summer. Because of the changes in David's job, he won't get any PTO this year. Hopefully, next year, if things go as planned, he will be back to his three weeks of PTO and we can take a super fun family trip. I hate that the kids work so hard all year, and now we do get to go anywhere while they are out of school. But, we will do a couple of short, closer to home trips, I'm sure. They all did great on their test scores and qualified for flex week. So they will get out two weeks earlier than those who didn't.

I think this year flew by even faster, for me, because of baby Blake. I am always So busy with him that it seems I never have enough time to focus on the three older children. I feel like my mothering skills have gone down the tube with those three. It breaks my heart, but right now I don't know how to fix it. So, here we are at the end of another year.

When school starts back up in August I will have a Kindergartner (Isabel did Kindergarten this year, but her Dad and I decided for maturity purposes it would be best to have her do Kinder again), a 5th grader, and...a high schooler! I know I was young when I had Andrew, but seriously, how can I have a high schooler? 9th grade! In a few months he will take Drivers Education. Eek. Ok, that's a whole 'nother post. Later Folks. Have fun ringing in the Summer!!

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