Two of my handsome boys playing in the highchair times.

and a picture of baby B asleep, with his hiney in the it!

and a picture of baby B and

Also, can't believe sweet baby boy is now 8 months (as of a few days ago).
*His newest achievement is pulling up. I now have to MAKE sure I put the side of the crib up (Yes, we have that kind, it was the same one that Joseph and Isabel used :)
*He is crawling around like no body's business
*He can get into sitting position all by himself and stay there as long as he wants
*He is still taking Similac Sensitive, along with just about every type of baby food we find, he LOVES to eat. That's my boy! He likes the puffs and the cookies snacks, and the freeze dried yogurt he does pretty good with. His absolute favorite is the Yo Baby blueberry yogurt. I can barely feed it to him fast enough!
*He LOOOOVES to put stuff in his mouth...our other three were always pretty good about this, they didn't put TOO much in their mouths, but with Blake...everything is straight to the mouth. UGH. The other day he had a penny in his mouth. I almost died. Seriously. :(
*He still adores his siblings...ADORES them. His face lights up even at the sight of their picture. And, I think it's safe to say the feeling is mutual with all of them.
*If he's not asleep, he is in CONSTANT movement
*He is just a couple ounces away from 20 pounds. Time to switch to a convertible car seat.
*He loves, loves, loves taking a bath, he just hates having his hair washed
*He USUALLY sleeps all night in his crib. We lay him down about 8pm, and he just goes to sleep. Sometimes he wakes up once, and I give him a bottle in his crib. He goes right back to sleep.
*He is a very happy, pleasant baby...and we love him!
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