Monday, January 9, 2012

Truths, part 2


I realize I ended rather abruptly on my last post, what can I say? Life with four kids, a hubs, and a dog can be crazy!


So, every New Year I start the One Year Bible…I think it is an amazing way to read through it. The problem is that I have NEVER finished it. That’s ok, though, one day I will!

I like to eat. I abuse food sometimes. Sad, but true.

I love the internet. I also hate it. I think it is a fabulous, modern tool that can be used for So many things. I also realize it can suck hours from each day without me ever knowing how quickly time was wasting away. It also keeps me from doing my laundry.

I am not a big drinker. In fact, I’m not much of a drinker at all. I won’t say I never, ever have an alcoholic beverage, but it’s rare.

I suffer from migraines. This is where things get sticky for me when I’m trying hard to be thankful for my life and all its blessings. I know people have it way worse than migraines, so I shouldn’t complain. But I do complain. They hurt like heck and they are PURE misery. The world has to go away when I have one. You will rarely see me post of facebook, “I have a migraine.” You might see “I’m getting a migraine” or “I just got over a migraine”. But if I actually have one, I can’t be on the computer. My Mamaw told me one day when she was still alive, “A migraine….humph…I had a headache one time, I think”. I cannot imagine MAYBE having had a headache one day of my life.

Speaking of my Mamaw…I miss her and my other grandmother, my G-ma, like crazy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many more times…I miss them SO much, so when I hear about people loosing parents, siblings, and especially their children…I can’t even go there, I truly can’t imagine how much it hurts.

I love asparagus.

I love artwork, all kinds.

I have a special talent. I think it’s called “show me a whole room full of shoes (purses, jewelry, clothes, gadgets, or whatever else you want to insert here) and I will pick out the most expensive one”. This talent actually really annoys me. It’s terrible to always like the most expensive things, and never be able to purchase them. Haha.

A list of things most commonly lost items at our house (no particular order): Socks, shoes, silverware, fingernail clippers, tweezers, and keys.

I love, love, love to travel. These days I rarely get to indulge in that love, though. The beach, Mexico, New York City…I’ll take any of them. I wish I could take my family around the world. There are three places I often daydream about…Greece, Austria, and thought it isn’t an actual place, a Disney cruise. I just keep reminding myself that Heaven is going to be way better than any of those places.

Ok, truth be told, there are a million more truths about myself. Duh. But, I'm tired and I can't imagine more than two posts on this...

Oh! One more…I love to blog and I love to read blogs (when time permits)!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Truths, part 1

I love and serve a King…The King…Jesus.

I am a wife and mother of four children.

I have been with my husband for over 17 years, though not married that whole time, and it’s insane to think I have spent more of my life on Earth with him, rather than without him.

When I tell people we have four children, I go back and forth between feeling confident about it and between people thinking I must be nuts, and feeling the need to explain that number #4 happened after a vasectomy that “healed itself.” It’s not that I am not TOTALLY IN LOVE with our sweet #4, I guess I just get too caught up worrying about what other people think sometimes.

I think it’s important to be a submissive wife. I used to totally disagree with this, but as I have grown in my faith, I have changed my views on this. I usually don’t like to bring this up unless I have time to really discuss it, because just the idea of it freaks some people out. I get it…I do. I’ll cover more on this in another post.

I will never understand how parents have “favorites”. Well, maybe as children turn into adults, and things sometimes go awry, I guess I can see where that might become the case…but for the most part, I don’t get it. I truly feel my love for my children is equal, although do love different things about each one.

I like to pretend I am more emotionally balanced than I really am. I can be quite cranky...and moody. It’s embarrassing.

I’m ADD. ADHD. Whatever. I own it, and I am working on it. I also have children that I I have passed this onto, or however that works. It’s a huge part of who I am, which I used to ignore but have come to terms with lately, and those close to me have to hear me talk about it, a LOT…I’m trying to learn how to be successful with it.

I long to be organized and an amazing housekeeper, but I am terrible at it. In fact, I think it has come between friendships. I sometimes won’t get close to people because of the ADD and the messiness of my life. It makes me sad, because I love getting to know people and their hearts…

I like to think I am thankful and content with what I have. And I am…to a point. In all honesty I have come a LONG way in this area, but just not far enough yet. I grew up a spoiled brat. I have slowly but surely had to recognize that material things are NOT “where it’s at”. I still struggle. I truly am thankful for my OVERFLOWING blessings, but this is just still an area I need help in.

I was a stay-at-home mom for years, and now I’m really not. My husband got laid off and now I work part time and attend school part time. I really like both, but it is incredibly hard to find the right balance with all the roles in my life. For some reason I feel too ashamed to tell people I work, even though many women do it. I’m not sure why. I think because I think moms, if at all possible, should stay home and raise their babies, and that is not my role at the current time.

…”Truths” part 2 will be my next post!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yeah...about that...

I have obviously fallen off of the blogging wagon. I miss it. I used to be pretty consistent, but life has just gotten in the way the past couple of months. I went from bring pretty much a stay at home mom, to working and going to school (each part time, which EQUALS full time). Most days, I'm not sure if I am coming or going. We have had a ton of life changes lately, and I am still adjusting. I am hoping to get this blog up and running again. Although, my handful of readers probably abandoned the wagon all-together by now. We may have to start from scratch. Anyway, here I am. I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas holiday and New year...we did! Blake was actually able to participate in opening presents, and it was super cute :) This month, Joseph will turn 11 and next month, Izzy will turn 7. Whoa! A 15 yr old, 11 yr old, 7 yr old, and 1 yr old....who planned it this way??? I must say, being a stay at home Mom was NOT close to easy...but now that I am "out of the house" so much, I really do miss it. I am exhausted all the time, there is never enough time for everything that needs to be done (and I'm not a great prioritizer as it is!), and I am constantly questioning the decisions I make. I feel a bit uneasy about this new way of life, but thankfully God is a constant. Stay tuned for my next post, "truths about MY life"...