Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yeah...about that...

I have obviously fallen off of the blogging wagon. I miss it. I used to be pretty consistent, but life has just gotten in the way the past couple of months. I went from bring pretty much a stay at home mom, to working and going to school (each part time, which EQUALS full time). Most days, I'm not sure if I am coming or going. We have had a ton of life changes lately, and I am still adjusting. I am hoping to get this blog up and running again. Although, my handful of readers probably abandoned the wagon all-together by now. We may have to start from scratch. Anyway, here I am. I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas holiday and New year...we did! Blake was actually able to participate in opening presents, and it was super cute :) This month, Joseph will turn 11 and next month, Izzy will turn 7. Whoa! A 15 yr old, 11 yr old, 7 yr old, and 1 yr old....who planned it this way??? I must say, being a stay at home Mom was NOT close to easy...but now that I am "out of the house" so much, I really do miss it. I am exhausted all the time, there is never enough time for everything that needs to be done (and I'm not a great prioritizer as it is!), and I am constantly questioning the decisions I make. I feel a bit uneasy about this new way of life, but thankfully God is a constant. Stay tuned for my next post, "truths about MY life"...

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