Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day, etc...

I was kind of disappointed because we hadn't planned anything for Labor Day, and we always cook out or something. But, I was ok with it because my mind was a little overwhelmed thinking how last Labor Day was when my G-ma passed away. I just can NOT get over the fact that it has now been a year since I've seen her precious face. Last Labor Day was on Sept. 3RD, but I will always remember Labor Day as the day she passed away no matter the date, because that is just how I feel. Anyway, I really miss her, and my heart breaks for my mother who I know is missing her own mother so much right now.

Anyway, I was wallowing in my despair when about 11:00 am David told me his family was coming out to cook out. "EXCUSE ME, What did you say"??!! Yes, that's right, he planned a cookout and did not EVEN tell me. I had about two hours before they got there, we had no food to cook, and I needed to spend a little time on the house. I thought I might strangle this man. But, I didn't...
I cleaned.
He went to the store.
His family came out.
We grilled.
We ate.
Had good conversation.
Kids played.
They went home.
I cleaned up.
I was glad to have my mind on something else.
That was our Labor Day :-).

On Sunday my Mom & niece came over for a little while. My Dad was over and we snapped some shots of Izzy & Keyli jumping on the trampoline.
Yes, their hair is unkempt and Izzy is in her jammies, but I love these shots...
for me there is just something about them, they look soooo happy...


& this one is my FAVORITE...

While they were jumping, the boys were inside playing. At one point Joseph bursts out the back door, ran over to a tree, and sat down and started pouting. I went over to see what was wrong (Andrew had hurt his feelings)...I didn't know my Dad had snapped this shot, but I thought it was a sweet moment.
I love that boy...

Hope you all had a fabulous holiday and got to take it easy. This morning it was back to school & normal life for us...hope your week is blessed.
Love to you all...

PS. I wanted to share this prayer that was in my "The Power of a Praying Parent" devotional:

Lord, flood my child with Your love and wash away all fear and doubt. Give them a sense of Your loving presence that far outweighs any fear that would threaten to overtake them. Help them to rely on Your power in such a manner that is establishes strong confidence and faith in You.



Amy said...

Love the pic of Joseph! Too cute!

Angie Seaman said...

Great pictures girl! Love those. And thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday. I really appreciate you taking the time to write. Have a fab weekend and keep visiting. Stay in touch. K?
Hugs, Angie Seaman