You know, there are all kinds of addictions. Drinking, drugs, gambling, pornographic...and I mean, those are just the TIP of the iceberg.
"ICEBERG...RIGHT AHEAD!" (said with an accent)
You know, from the Titanic...
Ok, I'm sorry, I had to do that.
Anyhoo, there are just tons of addictions. I have always been so thankful that I wasn't an addict. I'm not really down with drugs or alcohol, I mean an occasional snort of heroin from time to time, but really...who's counting? (Can you even sniff heroin?). I'm not a gambler, I do play the lotto a couple times a year...but again, who's counting. And, I'm sure not a perv. Of course there are good addictions, too, I cleaning and cooking, etc...yea, I'm not addicted to those things either.
But, after several hours on the internet one, blogger, myspace, gapkids, abercrombie kids, email, blogger, nordstrom, zappos, email, celebrity baby blog, email, Janie and Jack, email, etc, etc, I found myself just sitting there,staring at the screen. I was at a loss. My fingers were correctly placed on the keypad, ready to fire away...but there was nothing...nothing to log into, nothing to check up on, nothing to search, nothing to update.
Well, there was plenty of stuff, but it was all stuff I wasn't interested in, or had already looked at a million and three times.
It. Hit. Me.
I'm an addict.
I am an internet addict.
It's true.
This is no laughing matter.
I thought to myself "What in the heck? I'm an addict".
Hmmmm. processing, processing. thinking. wondering.
Yes, it is true, I am an internet addict.
I realized it's not that I love the internet so much, well maybe I do. But, I think it is that when I'm online, I can avoid whatever else needs to be done...laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands, keeping Isabel from playing in the street. Ok, that last one was a joke, but...
I even avoid the phone. Yea, I don't answer the phone sometimes because I'm on the internet.
I know, I know...from now on, when you see me on the internet, you will wonder what I'm avoiding. I mean, that isn't always the case. I have some time in the morning after the boys have gone to school, and then at night after dinner, when I like to get on. And no, I'm not avoiding your call...well, I guess it could be possible...
I mean, how do I stop? Is there an Internets Anonymous? I reckon' I could look online and see how/where to get help.
That, my friends, was another joke. I'm full of them today, huh?
Anyway, that's my blog for today, I had to get one in, after all...I'm an addict.
And, In making light of myself, I am NOT making fun of anyone with an addiction.
At all. I know several people who have several different kinds of addictions they battle daily and I keep them close in my prayers. And, My kids are well taken care of, paid plenty of love and attention to, and even get fed from time to time :-)My husband isn't neglected, by far. The house, well, it's decent...Hello! At least nothing is growing in my sink. Nothing is getting turned off because of unpaid bills. And if I don't answer the phone, Voice mail can take care of it.
And, what's it hurt if the laundry closet is so full that the door won't shut?
So, I guess I will just continue to feed my addiction.
Hey! Maybe I can find an online support group...
hmmm, great idea, I'm going to go check that out right now!
That, my friend was hilarious!
I found your blog through Angies blog. I am so glad I did. This post was great. :)
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