I've had a non-eventful day,really. I've spent a little of it eating breakfast with my husband, picking up the house (though not near enough), running a couple errands with my mom, and pondering life.
A sweet couple from our church, watched as their son earned his angel wings today. I don't know them well, but I'm a mom, so I can (at least begin to)imagine the heartbreak. As I think of encouraging words, I think of things like...how amazing that child didn't have to suffer the harshness of this Earth, but gets to live in Paradise with the King from almost the very beginning of his existence. How amazing that he didn't die while still in his mother's womb, but they did get the chance to meet, touch, hold, and love on their sweet son. I would want to encourage them, to rejoice that he's in Heaven, perfect and whole. That's what I want to feel like, that's what I want them to understand, as a Christian. But.
What if that was my child? My son? Mine and David's precious blessing? Would I feel that way? Would I be grateful for those few days to hold him, and love him? Would I be grateful the Lord took him so he wouldn't suffer? I haven't been through that, thankfully, so I can't say for sure. But, I have three children here on this Earth with me, and I can darn sure speculate. I don't think I would be thankful. I think I would be hurt, confused, and mad. I think I would wonder why I was allowed to let a child grow inside of me, bond with them though never having seen face to face, and then have to say goodbye only a few days after "meeting" him. I'm ashamed, because that's not being faithful, but I think I would be furious, and heartbroken...to the core. I would be the mom, so wouldn't I be entitled to that first coo, that first smile, first word, first step, first day of school, and all the many days after that a parent fills their heart with? Why would that have to be taken from me? I can imagine being bitter. Lord, forgive me.
As I think on it though, I know the Lord is good and gracious. I think he understands when our hearts our broken, and we get upset, and we get mad, and we question why things are the way they are. After all, didn't He watch His own Son suffer? How He must have longed to reach down and grab His baby boy, snatch him right away from those that meant him harm. But, He didn't. He let him suffer, for the rest of us, for me, for you.
I can't imagine what this family is feeling, or any other family that has lost a child. It's not right. It doesn't feel right. Thankfully, he will never have to suffer on this Earth, and yes, He is thankfully, most definitely in Paradise, and there is No better place to be...I believe that with all my heart. But, I pray that their faith sustains this precious family. On days they are missing him with every ounce of their being, I pray they are able to look to the Heavens and feel His holy arms around them, reassuring them that their baby is safe, healthy, and waiting for the day the are together again. Lord, I pray you will keep this family close, heal them, and hold them, God. I am so incredibly thankful I have never had to endure the loss of a child, yet so incredibly heartbroken for those that have.
But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God" Luke 18:16
1 comment:
Im right there with you Katy..but, you already knew that.
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