Monday, January 9, 2012

Truths, part 2


I realize I ended rather abruptly on my last post, what can I say? Life with four kids, a hubs, and a dog can be crazy!


So, every New Year I start the One Year Bible…I think it is an amazing way to read through it. The problem is that I have NEVER finished it. That’s ok, though, one day I will!

I like to eat. I abuse food sometimes. Sad, but true.

I love the internet. I also hate it. I think it is a fabulous, modern tool that can be used for So many things. I also realize it can suck hours from each day without me ever knowing how quickly time was wasting away. It also keeps me from doing my laundry.

I am not a big drinker. In fact, I’m not much of a drinker at all. I won’t say I never, ever have an alcoholic beverage, but it’s rare.

I suffer from migraines. This is where things get sticky for me when I’m trying hard to be thankful for my life and all its blessings. I know people have it way worse than migraines, so I shouldn’t complain. But I do complain. They hurt like heck and they are PURE misery. The world has to go away when I have one. You will rarely see me post of facebook, “I have a migraine.” You might see “I’m getting a migraine” or “I just got over a migraine”. But if I actually have one, I can’t be on the computer. My Mamaw told me one day when she was still alive, “A migraine….humph…I had a headache one time, I think”. I cannot imagine MAYBE having had a headache one day of my life.

Speaking of my Mamaw…I miss her and my other grandmother, my G-ma, like crazy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many more times…I miss them SO much, so when I hear about people loosing parents, siblings, and especially their children…I can’t even go there, I truly can’t imagine how much it hurts.

I love asparagus.

I love artwork, all kinds.

I have a special talent. I think it’s called “show me a whole room full of shoes (purses, jewelry, clothes, gadgets, or whatever else you want to insert here) and I will pick out the most expensive one”. This talent actually really annoys me. It’s terrible to always like the most expensive things, and never be able to purchase them. Haha.

A list of things most commonly lost items at our house (no particular order): Socks, shoes, silverware, fingernail clippers, tweezers, and keys.

I love, love, love to travel. These days I rarely get to indulge in that love, though. The beach, Mexico, New York City…I’ll take any of them. I wish I could take my family around the world. There are three places I often daydream about…Greece, Austria, and thought it isn’t an actual place, a Disney cruise. I just keep reminding myself that Heaven is going to be way better than any of those places.

Ok, truth be told, there are a million more truths about myself. Duh. But, I'm tired and I can't imagine more than two posts on this...

Oh! One more…I love to blog and I love to read blogs (when time permits)!!!

1 comment:

matthewleanna said...

Your love for blogging can already be traced in the way you say you manage your time for it. For most parents, their blogging life stops because they have their hands full on their kids and on work... and even on laundry! Keep on writing, it's good for the health too!

- Matthew Leanna