Monday, September 29, 2008

Movies, theaters, & uncomfy seats

So, my mom and I went to see "Nights in Rodanthe". It was nice to get to spend a little girl time with her, plus the movie was fantastic. She thought it was a tad bit "draggy" in places...but we both really liked it. Not only that, but there are couple of movies coming out in November that I REALLY want to see, after watching the previews. They are both Christmas movies, if I am remembering correctly, which I loooove.
I love watching movies. I don't bowl, I don't skate, I don't go to bars or yea, that's pretty much all there is to do here in P*town...movies.
When I was little we had two movie theaters...the cool newer "Cinema" and the old, grungy "Grand". Both of those eventually closed and they built/opened a brand new Cinemark theater. We (meaning the whole frickin town) were so excited...finally a nice theater to watch movies! Celebrate good times! Wooohooo!
Well, let me tell ya...when it was finally opened...I was sooo disappointed! The seats are small and hard as a rock. Though I'm not a stick, I am not a big girl, and the seats hurt my back, my butt, and every other body part. I can never get comfortable. The whole place stinks, and is dirty including the theaters and the bathrooms. Can I get in trouble for saying this? This is just my opinion. It is always either freezing cold, or hotter than heck in there. UGGGHHH!
You know "Some girls do nothing but complain".
I hate to be that girl, but it's true! I just want a comfortable, clean place to rest my keester so I can enjoy the movie I paid to watch, not to mention the fact that I spend my life savings on popcorn (extra butter), candy (Raisinettes), and soda (Cherry coke...and though I only want the medium sz. drink, I always end up getting the large because it's only .25 cents more). One trip to the movies costs my familia the equivalent of a week's worth of groceries. Ok, maybe not quite that much, but sometimes we take our nieces with us, and if you add all that up...
So, I will continue to go to my local crapola theater and watch movies, because it's just what I like to do. But! I am going to pray that they decide to install love seat style seating like they have in the metroplex...I could kick back and totally relax!
Who am I kidding, I would probably fall asleep in there, just like I do on my couch when we're watching a movie at home...haha!

Oh well, I guess I will end my post with that...after all, you can only write so much about theater seats.
Hope every one's having a great week, and that your hometown theater has nice, comfy, keester-friendly seats!

Toodles <3

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lord, help me...

You know, there are all kinds of addictions. Drinking, drugs, gambling, pornographic...and I mean, those are just the TIP of the iceberg.
"ICEBERG...RIGHT AHEAD!" (said with an accent)
You know, from the Titanic...
Ok, I'm sorry, I had to do that.
Anyhoo, there are just tons of addictions. I have always been so thankful that I wasn't an addict. I'm not really down with drugs or alcohol, I mean an occasional snort of heroin from time to time, but really...who's counting? (Can you even sniff heroin?). I'm not a gambler, I do play the lotto a couple times a year...but again, who's counting. And, I'm sure not a perv. Of course there are good addictions, too, I cleaning and cooking, etc...yea, I'm not addicted to those things either.
But, after several hours on the internet one, blogger, myspace, gapkids, abercrombie kids, email, blogger, nordstrom, zappos, email, celebrity baby blog, email, Janie and Jack, email, etc, etc, I found myself just sitting there,staring at the screen. I was at a loss. My fingers were correctly placed on the keypad, ready to fire away...but there was nothing...nothing to log into, nothing to check up on, nothing to search, nothing to update.
Well, there was plenty of stuff, but it was all stuff I wasn't interested in, or had already looked at a million and three times.
It. Hit. Me.
I'm an addict.
I am an internet addict.
It's true.
This is no laughing matter.
I thought to myself "What in the heck? I'm an addict".
Hmmmm. processing, processing. thinking. wondering.
Yes, it is true, I am an internet addict.
I realized it's not that I love the internet so much, well maybe I do. But, I think it is that when I'm online, I can avoid whatever else needs to be done...laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands, keeping Isabel from playing in the street. Ok, that last one was a joke, but...
I even avoid the phone. Yea, I don't answer the phone sometimes because I'm on the internet.
I know, I know...from now on, when you see me on the internet, you will wonder what I'm avoiding. I mean, that isn't always the case. I have some time in the morning after the boys have gone to school, and then at night after dinner, when I like to get on. And no, I'm not avoiding your call...well, I guess it could be possible...
I mean, how do I stop? Is there an Internets Anonymous? I reckon' I could look online and see how/where to get help.
That, my friends, was another joke. I'm full of them today, huh?
Anyway, that's my blog for today, I had to get one in, after all...I'm an addict.
And, In making light of myself, I am NOT making fun of anyone with an addiction.
At all. I know several people who have several different kinds of addictions they battle daily and I keep them close in my prayers. And, My kids are well taken care of, paid plenty of love and attention to, and even get fed from time to time :-)My husband isn't neglected, by far. The house, well, it's decent...Hello! At least nothing is growing in my sink. Nothing is getting turned off because of unpaid bills. And if I don't answer the phone, Voice mail can take care of it.
And, what's it hurt if the laundry closet is so full that the door won't shut?
So, I guess I will just continue to feed my addiction.
Hey! Maybe I can find an online support group...
hmmm, great idea, I'm going to go check that out right now!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today, Joseph asked me to go get him a hot dog and a root beer float from the Sonic. Even though Isabel usually asks for a corny dog from there, she also likes having the same things as other people, and since it was almost the same thing...I decided to get her a hot dog, too. When I sat it out for them to eat, Isabel looked down at the hot dog and said "Oh Mamma, Look! I think they were out of sticks!". I couldn't help but burst out was so cute! She thought the hot dog was a corny dog without a stick...which, it kinda could be.
On the way to the grocery store today, I drove by one of the houses I grew up took me back. I used to walk to the park & put-put golf with my cousin. We used to ride bikes ALL over Paris(it was safer back then). During summer, when it got dark we would get one of Mamaw's jars, my dad would poke holes in the top, and we would catch fireflies (we let them go before we went to bed so they wouldn't die). What happened to those fireflies, I hardly ever see them anymore. I thought about how good we had it growing up...we may not have had much, but it sure felt like we did.
I think about my own kids and how fast they are growing up. I've probably only blogged about that 1000 times, but I can't help it, it's true! I look at my, my, how time has flown. I love my life, but I do miss those innocent, carefree days of my childhood...when I had no worries. No bills, no appointments, no errands, no cooking, cleaning, rushing children here and there (I was the child being rushed here and there), not wondering how every little choice I make is going to affect someone else. I think how very precious those childhood years were, and how I wish I would have known then what I know now. I wish I would have known how special those times were and just cherished them instead of wishing I could grow up so quickly. Then again, If I would have known that, it probably wouldn't have been the same.
Still, I just want to grab my children by their sweet faces and look strait into their eyes and tell them to stop wishing their lives away...stop trying to grow up so quickly. I want to tell them to relish each day and just enjoy it for what it has to offer, that these carefree days will soon enough be traded in for a job, a mortgage, and responsibilities so numerous, that you will never be able to keep up with them all. But, I guess that is something they will just have to learn on their their own sweet time. Of course, once they "get it", they too will be adults, and so the cycle will begin again.
Hmmm...that was too in depth for me, I am really to tired for that tonight.
Anyway, before I go, there are two things I would like to take a special moment to mention.
When we pray, sometimes we think GOD doesn't hear us, because we don't get the answer we want. But, GOD always answers us, we just have to be trusting, understanding that He has a plan, and He knows better than we do.
A lot of people have been praying for Amy's dad, who is in Iran and had a stroke. Even though her sister got to fly over and be with him the last few days, the rest of the family has been here, on pins and needles, stressed to the max. It is hard enough having a sick/hurt loved one...but one that you can't even hold their hand and comfort, or make SURE they are being taken care of? I can't imagine. I found out (her blog is under my links) that her dad should SOON be on his way home. Hallelujah! I don't know what God has in store for this man, or his family...but I know he is going to be here where they can help take care of him and see to him. Please keep them in your prayers...that the trip home goes smoothly, and that once home he is kept in good hands and nursed back to health. Pray that his family has patience and is able to keep their faith strong, no matter what comes their way.
Also! A while back Amber (blog is also under my links) told me about her husband's little cousin who was diagnosed with cancer. Can you even fathom? This really hit home because she is a three yr. old little girl. She has a Caring Bridge page (also under my links) and I have prayed for her and kept up with her since Amber sent me the info. I read via her CB page and Amber's email, that little Emily is now in remission! Just another one of God's many blessings!
Thank you Father for hearing our prayers and blessing these two specific families...please continue to keep your loving, caring hands on them as they still have rough roads ahead of them.
So, no pictures to share today...just happy thoughts...

"And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord; It shall rejoice in His salvation".
Psalm 35:9

PS. We just made chocolate dipped strawberries and I ate wayyyyy too many! When you see me, if it looks like I have gained a little weight, now you know why...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Morning all!
What a week we have had! Andrew still has not decided what he wants to "do" for his birthday, so we did a small family celebration, but nothing else, yet!
I made him a cake at home...granted, it's not that cute, but it's my first one EVER to make, we ALWAYS go to Piece of Cake, because they are YUMMY!

As some of you know, Amy's dad is in Iran and has had a stroke. Last week I picked them up one day to help her out, and they weren't with us long, but long enough to get a few pics...
Joseph, Jack, Izzy, & Sarah all squeezed into the "redneck ghetto-mobile"

Sarah and Izzy jumping, Joseph driving the r.g.m. under the trampoline...this was so hilarious, he had to duck all the way just to get under, Jack bailed out just before...

Joseph & Jack "manning the fort"

Jack INSISTED I take this picture...LOL

Isabel all dressed up for the Pep Rally, Friday, after I realized I haven't had a Wildcat shirt made for her this year (Loser Mom!!) btw, she isn't always in those pajamas as shown in the pics above...but she loves wearing that gown, sorry she was wearing the SAME one in previous post pictures :-) oops!

Also, we are waiting on new furniture for the boys' the meantime I have basically taken everything out of there, and the boys have been sleeping in our room...HURRY UP FURNITURE!!! But, I walked past their room yesterday and something caught my eye, I stepped back, looked in, and saw this little guy hanging from the fan, no doubt the handy work of Joseph...

I can't help but laugh, he does stuff like this ALL the time! I am so thankful for the joy he brings to my life!
Anyway, I am actually thankful it's Monday...last week was so busy, but honestly, I think this week is going to prove to be just as busy, lots of stuff going on, so maybe I should take the first part of this sentence back?!
I would like to ask you to continue to pray for Amy and her family, for her father's health to improve. Also, please continue to pray for my cousin, Sara, who is a missionary in Honduras. There is a link to my blog on the right, but she doesn't have a lot of time to update, as she is busy busy busy. Last week she started teaching PreK and K students at a new school...she is only allowed to teach in English and the kids only speak Spanish...what a battle to overcome...just pray God's hand is on them all :-)
Love to you all,

PS. My friend, Leah, has started making jewelry.
I have added a link to her blog on the right, Flashy Flamingo.
Her stuff is soooo cute, you can pick from premade items or have a customized one made choose the length.
So far I think the pics are for adult pieces, but I am going to get a couple for excited!
Check it out!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Andrew!!!

My brother holding my niece, and the little brown bebe is Andrew:

Andrew & Mommy @ Park...look how young we BOTH look! :

Andrew (far left)in with his cousins in San Felipe, MX:

Andrew giving bessos to his new little brother, Joseph:

Andrew's Kindergarten picture:

Andrew & Daddy...

Andrew being his usual crazy self...I guess the glass was too cold :-) :

Today is Andrew's birthday. He is 12...and I just can't get my mind wrapped around the idea that it has been twelve long years since I gave birth to him. It amazes me that I have already been a mom for that long, yet, I hardly remember life without him.
When I gave birth to him, he came out looking totally Hispanic (I am white and his dad is Hispanic), he didn't even look like he belonged to me. He had beautiful skin, and thick, black silky hair (although I have to admit I was kinda freaked out by how hairy he was), and he smelled so good (he really did). His uncle Daniel joked that he looked Chinese because of the shape of his eyes. And, even though newborns aren't always that attractive, all red, wrinkly and squinty eyed....they are always beautiful to their mother who waited 9 long months to meet them and then endured the most awful pain known to man or woman!
I was so young, and I had no idea what I had gotten myself into, but it was love at first site with Andrew. David picked his name, I thought it would be neat for David to be able to name his firstborn, especially his son. When I look at pictures from back then, it looks like we should have been babysitting him, not be his parents. We went through many trials and struggles, but we are still here, all these years later, and during that time have added two more to our brood.
Since I was so young when I had him, as sad as it sounds, we kinda all grew up together the first few years. It wasn't fair to him, and I do NOT condone teen pregnancy (or premarital sex for that matter), but having him kept me from making so many other wrong choices in my life. It was a time when I was starting to "experiment", and having him totally changed my life, I am so thankful for him. He literally saved me from twists and turns that only God knows about.
I, along with his Dad, have watched him grow so quickly. It seems like I only blinked, and now he is turning year away from being a teen. I am so thankful...he has always been so healthy, happy, behaved (for the most part)and done well in school. He has a heart of gold, even though his attitude has gotten the best of both of us lately (don't think it's anything to do with those hormones, do ya?). And while he and his brother fight like cats and dogs...I know deep down he truly cares for him.
About 6 years ago (when Andrew was 6 and Joseph was 2) we went on vacation to the Beach. We stopped along halfway at a hotel to get some rest. At about 2am I heard a loud alarm, woke up and looked over at the same time we sat up and said "Fire Alarm". The whole hotel was being evacuated. I was scared to death...I reached over to grab Joseph...he wasn't there...I looked up and Andrew was standing at the door with his baby brother in his arms yelling to David and I "We have to get out of here"...and we did, and we were all safe and everything was fine...but every time I tell that story, I break down in tears...just as I am doing right now.
There was another time we had rented a jump house for a bday party. Those things have to stay plugged in because they constantly blow air to stay inflated. Someone accidentally unplugged it, all the big kids jumped out...Andrew turned to see Joseph left in the bounce house, it was deflating super quick and could suffocate him with all that heavy, thick plastic, Andrew dove back in and grabbed Joseph and drug him out.
He likes to go to the nursing home and visit with the elderly. He used to love to spend the night with Mamaw and stay up watching old movies. He used to hide under G-ma's bed when she was laying in it, and giggle until she realized he was under there. He loved reading Paddington Bear and Guess How Much I Love You and No David. He had a fished he named "Pisha" that he won at the State Fair and it died...we had to flush it down the toilet. He cried. Once when he was 4 yrs. old he went to play in the back yard (it had a privacy fence and locked gate), after a few minutes I went out to check on him, I couldn't find him...I looked everywhere and started to panic...only to hear "Mom, I'm up here"...he was on top of the roof. He was/still is one talented climber. Even though he is short, like his father and I, he is a very fast runner. He loves math and is very good at it...He is in ACC math this year, but he HATES all the homework. He has begged for a cell phone for years, but I have resisted...not sure how much longer I can do that though.
I am most proud of him for leading a friend of his to know Jesus Christ, even though he is the type that doesn't like to talk about stuff much (he's kinda private, a loner, if you will)...that's ok, because actions speak louder than words, and I was amazed that my son was already letting GOD work through him...such an amazing feeling as a mom.
Although there are days when I want to strangle him...I love him in more ways than I can count...and I'm thankful beyond measure for him.
I am so proud of Andrew...our little "peedy" (shortened from his grandpas nickname for him...Speedy Gonzalez). He means nothing short of everything to me. I praise the Lord for blessing his dad and I with him. And, although it is hard seeing him growing up so fast and becoming more and more independent, I look forward to the man that he will one day become.
Thank you all for letting me share this tidbit about my son, because truth is, I could go on for days, but figured this was enough for now.

Happy Birthday, Son...God Bless and keep you safe...We love you unconditionally, forever and always!


from The Power of a Praying Parent:
"I pray that my child will so love the Lord with all his heart, soul, and mind that there will be no room in him for the lies of the Enemy or the clamoring of the world. May the Word of God take root in his heart and fill his mind with things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely,of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy.
(Philippians 4:8)

PS..for those that noticed, I am posting this a little before midnight on 9/9...but this is meant for 9/10, which is 30 mins. away, so it will have to do :-)

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Monday...again

Happy Monday morning everyone. Wow, I can not believe the boys are starting their third week of school already! Time absolutely flies, doesn't it? Andrew will be turning 12 this Wednesday. I feel as though he should still be in Kindergarten.
Getting back to school has been good for us. We have started to get back to a routine, which is good for us. Andrew is in an accelerated Math class, though, and let me tell you...the homework abounds in that class! Actually, it may not be too bad, but for a child who HATES homework (so much that last year he used his free period to get it done so he wouldn't have to do it at home) it's a pretty big hassle. We've already spent several hours on that homework, but he hasn't really had any from any other that helps.
As a busy mom of three, sometimes it's hard to find quality time to spend with the kids, especially one-on-one time.
But, since Isabel is still at home with me and the boys are at school, it's not too hard to spend time with her. When Joseph gets home he wants me to go swing or jump on the trampoline with I've been trying to do that each day when he asks, it's great time for the two of us, and he likes me to ask him math questions (which I think my dad started). The only one I'm having trouble with now is Andrew, he's at that in-between age where he is trying to separate himself more from his parents and become independent...he has such a bad attitude sometimes...I feel like I don't know how to reach him. Any ideas??? One minute my heart breaks for him knowing he is going through a lot of changes and just trying to grow up and he thinks no one understands him, and the next minute...I want to wring his neck! LOL.
Other than wanting to strangle Andrew ;-), I am just really thankful for my family. Lately I have just felt so blessed by them...maybe everything that has happened this past year has made me a little more thankful. As I've gotten older I have definitely gotten more sentimental. My dad says that as we mature/get older, we move from the ego mentality to the spiritual mentality (one of those books he read I guess). I feel like I am blessed with the best husband and children, I have some great friends, my parents are great, too. I don't want to take any of it for granted, nothing is set in stone, and things do happen, but for now I just want to revel in my blessings and praise God for what he has done for me.
Also, I have a friend who is having some health issues...I don't want to put her name on here because I don't know if she would want the attention, but please just say a prayer for her...she is young, yet at a scary time in her life and I just pray God puts his mighty hand on her and comforts & heals her.
On another topic, my friend, Amy (blog link is listed on this page), needs prayer for her family. Her dad was in Iran visiting family, when he had a stroke, so not only is his health in jeopardy...but his wife (Amy's mom) is having trouble getting over there to be with him. Please keep them close in your prayers...Amy is a sweet sweet friend.

OK, Hope your week is blessed!

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

Thank You, Lord, for Your promise to deliver us from all our fears. In Jesus' name I pray for freedom from fear on behalf of my children, family, & friends this day.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day, etc...

I was kind of disappointed because we hadn't planned anything for Labor Day, and we always cook out or something. But, I was ok with it because my mind was a little overwhelmed thinking how last Labor Day was when my G-ma passed away. I just can NOT get over the fact that it has now been a year since I've seen her precious face. Last Labor Day was on Sept. 3RD, but I will always remember Labor Day as the day she passed away no matter the date, because that is just how I feel. Anyway, I really miss her, and my heart breaks for my mother who I know is missing her own mother so much right now.

Anyway, I was wallowing in my despair when about 11:00 am David told me his family was coming out to cook out. "EXCUSE ME, What did you say"??!! Yes, that's right, he planned a cookout and did not EVEN tell me. I had about two hours before they got there, we had no food to cook, and I needed to spend a little time on the house. I thought I might strangle this man. But, I didn't...
I cleaned.
He went to the store.
His family came out.
We grilled.
We ate.
Had good conversation.
Kids played.
They went home.
I cleaned up.
I was glad to have my mind on something else.
That was our Labor Day :-).

On Sunday my Mom & niece came over for a little while. My Dad was over and we snapped some shots of Izzy & Keyli jumping on the trampoline.
Yes, their hair is unkempt and Izzy is in her jammies, but I love these shots...
for me there is just something about them, they look soooo happy...


& this one is my FAVORITE...

While they were jumping, the boys were inside playing. At one point Joseph bursts out the back door, ran over to a tree, and sat down and started pouting. I went over to see what was wrong (Andrew had hurt his feelings)...I didn't know my Dad had snapped this shot, but I thought it was a sweet moment.
I love that boy...

Hope you all had a fabulous holiday and got to take it easy. This morning it was back to school & normal life for us...hope your week is blessed.
Love to you all...

PS. I wanted to share this prayer that was in my "The Power of a Praying Parent" devotional:

Lord, flood my child with Your love and wash away all fear and doubt. Give them a sense of Your loving presence that far outweighs any fear that would threaten to overtake them. Help them to rely on Your power in such a manner that is establishes strong confidence and faith in You.
